Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm Livid

Board members received two memos from Chairman Wade today via email and fax. They both pertain to two of my posts here on this site.

You can read the first memo HERE. It is explaining when the agenda for board meetings is posted. If you go to this post,, you will see I stated that the agenda was NOT available to the public a week before the meeting. Granted, we had a snow day on Monday, but if that was truly the issue, as the memo seems to portray, how was the agenda available to board members on Monday? If they could make it available to us on Monday, a snow day, why was it not available to the public?

The second memo you can read HERE. This is the one that really incites me. It is concerning Future Agenda Items and this post and if I was getting a complex before, this seems to have proven my point. You see, there are four items I requested for a future agenda item (school incident ticker, board member notification of incidents, Student Code of Conduct for sexual offenses, and alternative scheduling), I have asked for the latter one at least six times over the last 18 months and the former ones I asked for in January...they never seem to be placed on the agenda. So, I did the proper thing and brought them up again, in public at the 3/10 meeting. (I hope to have my notes up by the weekend). Once again they were written down by our chairman along with Ms. Cook's request for School Safety Issues. A little discussion took place, with Mr. Wade requesting clarification on exactly what I wanted. We moved on. Then today we get the above memo asking for a consensus of the board for MY requests as future agenda items before the chairman tasks staff with the work. Ms. Cook's request is not on this list, only mine. Why wasn't a consensus requested during our PUBLIC meeting so the PUBLIC could see who was for or against? Why doesn't our chairman need consensus for Ms. Cook's request? What is it about my requests that our chairman doesn't like?

BTW - I tried to talk to Mr. Wade via telephone regarding this, to no avail.


Anonymous said...

Why are the options listed as Yes or No; Yes or No; No or Yes; Yes or No?

Isn't this a subtle way to steer you towards the reply they want for each question?

Jennifer Abell said...

sorry not following you...they are all listed as "yes or no" check your formating when opening an make sure lines aren't shifting

Anonymous said...

Will you be able to learn who voted yes or no to each item?

Anonymous said...

Remind me again...aren't these the people that promised transparency when the ALL ran for the board? So why poll in private? Same old same old. Several of your issues had to do with serious offenses. It seems as though Mr Wade would rather just sweep sexual offenses under the rug rather than identify and deal with the problem. I wonder how hard he'd work to identify and address the problem if it was his granddaughter being molested at school. He is a flaming chauvenist and it becomes more obvious every single board meeting.

Anonymous said...

Assertive intelligent women are a threat to Chairman Wade.

LegalBeaglette said...

I agree with Anonymous at 2:15, but I think it goes a bit beyond that. I’ve observed that he conducts himself like this when he thinks he can get away with it…and I would guess that he’s being prompted.

One more time: “Citizens are to be allowed to observe the deliberations and decisions that the making of public policy involves.” Deliberating, by an extraordinary email/fax vote directed to board members, on whether to place on the agenda the items raised by Ms. Abell gives the appearance of a back-handed vengeance campaign, once again “behind the scenes,” and it is detrimental to the function of the Board. It shows that Mr. Wade just doesn’t get it (and – after so many years of watching him – I doubt he ever will).

Jennifer Abell said...

UPDATE: I sent an email on Friday to Chairman Wade, copied all board members and necessary staff formally requesting each individual board members vote.

Anonymous said...

I'm lost here. When I was on the board "Future Agenda Items" was when board members would discuss what would and would not go forth on a future agenda. Why were your requests, and only your requests, being done by a poll outside of the public meeting? I must be missing something.

LegalBeaglette said...

I agree, Mrs. Young. Definitely thinking "arbitrary and capricious."