Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Schools Achieve AYP on State Tests

CCPS Press Release

Improvements in reading and math scores on the Maryland School Assessments (MSA) resulted in the majority of Charles County’s schools meeting state progress targets for 2007.

Twenty Charles County elementary and middle schools met Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), according to Maryland State Department of Education data released today. No county schools are on the state school improvement list. Charles County Public Schools has never had a school on the state’s watch list.

AYP is determined by student results on the Maryland School Assessments (MSA) taken by students in grades 3-8 in March. AYP is the gain that schools must make each year in proportion to students achieving proficiency in reading and math. Under the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), schools must show progress across all grade levels and in all race/ethnicity and special services categories—special education, limited English proficient, and economically disadvantaged students. Elementary and middle schools met the standards in 497 of 513 categories.

If a school is unable to make progress in all areas, including attendance, for two consecutive years, it is identified for School Improvement status and faces a variety of requirements designed to bring about improvements. School systems are notified of any school not making progress in all areas for one year, but these schools do not face any state mandates, requirements or intervention.

Seven schools missed achieving a target in one or more subgroups for the first time this year. These schools achieved their Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) last year, but fell short this year. Schools not meeting AYP in one or more subgroups in 2007 are Dr. Gustavus Brown Elementary School, Gale-Bailey Elementary School, T.C. Martin Elementary School, John Hanson Middle School, Matthew Henson Middle School, Piccowaxen Middle School and General Smallwood Middle School.

“The majority of our schools made the progress required by the state in all subgroups, but we will continue to focus our efforts to ensure that all children are succeeding. Special education continues to be an area needing additional support and we need to explore ways to advance our middle school performance. The department of instruction is already working with schools that did not make AYP to develop improvement plans,” said James E. Richmond, superintendent of schools.

Statewide, system and local school scores are available on the Maryland State Department of Education’s report card,

The Maryland State Department of Education has not yet released High School Assessment scores and graduation numbers. High school students take High School Assessments, and starting with the class of 2009, students must pass four tests – English II, biology, local, state and national government (LSN) and algebra – in order to graduate. High school scores will be released at the end of August. AYP information for high schools will be released in the fall.
Charles County Public Schools
Maryland State Assessment Facts (AYP and MSA)
  • Charles County Public Schools met the standards for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for all students in reading, mathematics and attendance at the elementary and middle school levels in 497 of 513 categories. The state defines AYP as the cornerstone of Maryland’s new accountability system and replaces the School Performance Index as the method by which Maryland tracks academic progress. Schools and school systems must show that students are making AYP in reading, mathematics, attendance (elementary and middle schools) and graduation rate (high schools).
  • No Charles County middle or elementary public school is on the state’s school improvement list, which includes schools that have not met standards for more than one year and are not improving. Information on high school scores will be released in late August and the state will release high school AYP later in the fall.
  • AYP requirements include scores for reading and mathematics for all students as well as subgroups of students. Student achievement is reported in the aggregate (all students) as well as eight subgroups of students. Subgroups are: American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, African American, White (not of Hispanic origin), Hispanic, students receiving free and reduced meals, special education and Limited English Proficient.


Anonymous said...

Are there numbers more specific for the percentage of state schools overall that made AYP?

Jennifer Abell said...

Please go to (there is also a link in my right side bar) and you can break down the statistics any which way you want. Let me know if you need additional assistance, and please provide some insight when you find what you are looking for