Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Superintendent's Contract

This post is in response to a request for the details of the Superintendents benefits and compensation through his contract.

The Superintendent’s contract is public information and a complete copy may be requested from Central Office. The current contract is a four-year contract as required by the State of Maryland and was signed by all Board members on 1/24/05. Listed below is the Superintendents current benefits and compensation provided by this contract.

  • Base salary $245,000
  • Annual comprehensive medical examination
  • Lifetime paid family health insurance coverage
  • Automobile and insurance coverage
  • Disability income protection for the base salary contract amount for the duration of the contract
  • Thirty days of annual leave per year and an additional 3 days per month. May be redeemed if not used
  • Sick leave accrued at the rate of two days per month. May be redeemed if not used
  • Board contributes an amount equal to 7% of base salary to a supplementary retirement plan.
  • Board provides term life insurance equal to base salary plus a $40,000 supplemental policy. Benefit will continue upon retirement.
  • Board will contribute 2% of base salary to the Teacher’s Pension System.
  • Board will contribute to a tax-sheltered annuity the maximum amount allowed by the IRS Code.
  • $5,000 annual allowance for unreimbursed medical expenses


LegalBeaglette said...

Brings to mind "Sweet dreams are made of this..." [Eurythmics lyrics]

No mention of the $25,000 per year increase noted in the Southern Maryland Extra article "Education Leader's Salary Rises Over 3 Years" [June 13, 2004] Not a part of his current contract?

Jennifer Abell said...

Your exactly right. The $25,000 per year increase is NOT part of the current contract.

LegalBeaglette said...

Thank goodness.

Only wish someone had stomped on the brake pedal a bit earlier, and harder...

Jennifer Abell said...

I've received a few comments from persons disgruntled by my posting the Superintendent's Contract on my site. I would like to clarify a few items.
1. The Superintendent, as well as Board members, is a public servant and therefore his contract is a public document and has been reported in various different media formats.
2. This is not a complete contract and does NOT list all the numerous responsibilites, qualifications and guidelines he must adhere.
3. My posting of this contract in no way represents my dissatisfaction with this contract. I voted for it. The posting was strictly for factual purposes upon a request from the public.
4. I sincerely apologize if this posting has offended anyone for that was not it's intention. As stated throughout this website, my intentions are strictly to provide the public with knowledge and transparency, answer questions, state my opinions, and hopefully with everyone's cooperation, come up with solutions and innovative ideas for our school system.
Yours in service,

Anonymous said...

Don't apologize Jennifer!

The only persons who would object to us knowing this info are people who are embarassed by it.

Health insurance for his family FOR LIFE!!! That is AMAZING, I have never even heard of that before except with the military I guess, but that is military hospitals and such.

Is there any way to find out how much that is projected to cost Charles County. Does that still apply if he leaves and is employed with another county or is fired or quits?

I have another question - how many paid sick days do teachers get?

What is the maximum annuity amount allowed by the IRS code?

Okay, think that's all my questions.

Once you let me know I can post them on my blog too.

Thanks for all of your hard work Jennifer. Maybe you have a Comissioner seat in your future? Hmmmm?

Jennifer Abell said...

Heather, I'm going to take a shot at you questions.
1. Health insurance for life - "will continue upon seperation or retirement from the system, and be provided individually to his spouse upon death." Cost = I'm uncertain.
2. Teachers paid sick days = I believe its based on tenure and is cumulative but is around 10 per year.
3. Maximum annuity amount allowed by IRS - I pulled the following information from the IRS web-site.
"The maximum amount an employee can contribute to a 401(k) plan is determined annually. You may be allowed catch up contributions in addition to annual limit, if you are age 50 or older. Refer to "Elective Deferrals" in Publication 525 ,Taxable and Nontaxable Income. The maximum amount applies to an employee's aggregate pre-tax contributions to a 401(k) plan and 403(b) plan. There are several different limits that apply to a 401(k) plan in addition to the overall contribution limit. These limits, your salary, and the type of 401(k) plan to which you are contributing may limit your 401(k) contributions to a lesser amount.
The rules for retirement plans are complex. Your plan administrator should have written information about your particular plan that explains these limitations as well as other regulations that apply.
For further information, refer to Tax Topic 424, 401(k) plans."

4. Commissioner seat - Me? I don't think so. Too political for me.