Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Notes from Board of Education Meeting,1/9/18

The Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, January 9 will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at http://www.ccboe.com/ . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs .

The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes.

Call to order – 1 p.m. - Pledge of Allegiance, Maurice J. McDonough High School
Recognition of 2018 Maryland General Assembly Student Pages
Election of Chairman 
  • Lukas nominates Palko; Second by Marshall

Unanimous Vote
Palko is 2018 Chairman

Election of Vice Chairman
  • McGraw nominates Abell; Second by Marshall

Unanimous Vote
Abell is 2018 Vice Chairman
Superintendents update - Report
Correspondence/Board member updates
  • McGraw - Congratulations; events attended; senior portfolios; EACC Legislative Reception; Scholorships application is online this year
  • Crawford - Congratulations; Women at Risk event on January 18th; Challenge everyone to forgive and practice humility.  Quoted bible and Dr. Martin Luther King
  • Kelly - Congratulations; Westlake tour; Thanks to all organizations and community for your assistance and support during the Bell investigation.
  • Marshall - Congratulations
  • Lukas - EACC Legislative Reception; CSM Luncheon
  • Abell - thank you to fellow board members for your vote and support
  • Palko - Maryland Independent Meet & Greet; EACC Recpetion; School visits; Senior Portfolios; Dreambox
Education Association of Charles County update - Report

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees update - Report

Student Board member update - Report

Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) anti-bullying efforts - Report
  • Kelly - Repeatedly?  Need to document twice before action?
  • Hollstein - No
  • McGraw - Reporting Form - follow-up and conferences documented?
  • Hollstein - Yes
  • Marshall - CCPS is not only educating in academics but we are eeducating the WHOLE student.
  • Lukas - Reporting form just for students.  Staff has a different form.
  • Palko - Still need a work group?
  • Consensus of the board is to wait.
Student discipline programs - Report
  • Increase in students with mental health issues
  • Four programs implemented to address behavioral changes and discipline concerns
    • Restorative Programs
    • Aspire Program - K-2
    • Therapeutic In-School Intervention Programs - HS
    • Parent Shadowing - MS and HS
  • Marshall - how do we collaborate with other agencies regarding the mental health issues of our students.
  • Hollstein - We are exploring all options and making it a priority to find additional resources.  We have a partnership with Tri-County Youth Services and the Health Department.
  • Crawford - parent shadowing - what happens at end of day if parent is not supportive and is defensive of their student
  • Hollstein - It opens up the communication between the parent and teacher/administration
  • McGraw - Timeline for Aspire program from start to end.  
  • Hollstein - Approximately 45 days but individualized for each student
  • Kelly - Aspire program works with parents as well for reinforcement of strategies.
  • Palko - PASS program is no longer implemented?
Inclement weather procedures - Report

  • SMECO rebate should be $253,400

  • Proposed FY2019 operating budget - Presentation and Report
    • Beacon Study proves that for every dollar CCPS spends, $1.81 is returned by in-county spending.
    • Highest enrollment growth in the state.  Greatest for CCPS since 2005.   Plan for 460 additional students.
    • Special Education student enrollment is increasing by 2.7%
    • FARMS rate is 35.9%
    • State funding will increase by $8.7M
    • County funding request is 7% increase ($12.3M)
    • Fund balanced decreased by $1M jeopardizing reserves as best practice ($3.2M)
    • Lunch prices will remain the same:  Elementary $2.65 and Secondary $2.90 
    • Operating cost per pupil $13,724
    • Starting teacher salaries in Charles = $45,253, Calvert = $45,496, St. Mary's = $46,500
    • Wellness program is successful
    • $2M increase in health care cost
    • Increase: 18 additional teachers to maintain 25:1 student teacher ratio
    • Increase:  ASPIRE Program and Instructional Assistants
    • State mandates replacement of 25 buses. (15 year life)
    • Federal mandate to support teachers' pension ($8.1M)
    • Various other mandatory costs
    • Kelly - Narcan Nasal Spray Mandate - shouldn't it be included in the request.; OPEB why is that not included as a solid line item
    • Sotomayer - OPEB is budgeted at $4M. 
    • Lukas - not as high as a priority
    • Crawford - MABE Insurance increase; are we locked in? Is this increase what you would expect to see
    • Sotomayor - yes.  and this cost is minimal compared to if we were individually insured.
    • Abell - thank you for the very informative and easy to comprehend presentation
    • Palko - Board members send any budget questions to Chair for staff response prior to January work session
    Legislative update

    • Session starts tomorrow
    • Sick Leave Bill - will be addressed this year.  We are against.
    • state budget going in with a deficit; inlikely it will affect education
    • recent federal tax bill may affect us is state reduces taxes
    • Hogan announced new initiative on public education - hire a public school investigator to investigate schools around the state.
    • Kelly - Hogan's announcement about changing 65% to 80% on accountability for schools
    • Schwartz - Hogan would like to see it increased.  

    Unfinished business
    • Environmental scan update - survey is now live
    • Kelly - tour of Billingsley
    • Kelly - Updated Bullying Data
    • Kelly - Eligibility Policy questions - send to staff
    • Palko - The Green Sheet, Kirwan Commission
    • Palko - Questions from NAACP
    New business  

    Future agenda items
    • Kelly - Be the Difference Award and Nominees.  Subcommittee?
      • Palko - Members to participate Kelly, McGraw and Lukas
    • Palko - MABE Legislative Luncheon
    • Hill - Online scheduling (Feb?)
    • Lukas - Farming for Hunger Presentation
    • Palko - Infants and Toddlers Program
    Executive session – 11:15 a.m.
    Motion to go into executive session by Abell:  Second by Kelly
    Yes= Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko
    Public Forum – 6 p.m.  - NONE
    Action items
    • Minutes
    Motion to approve the minutes by Abell:  Second by Kelly
    Yes= Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko

    • Personnel
    Motion to approve the Personnel by Abell:  Second by Lukas
    Yes= Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko

    • John Hanson Middle School grant of access 
    Motion to approve Grant Access by Kelly:  Second by Lukas
    Yes= Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko

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