Friday, January 26, 2018

What Do We Know About School Discipline Reform?

Assessing the alternatives to suspensions and expulsions

By  and  

Education Next

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights announced this spring that the number of suspensions and expulsions in the nation’s public schools had dropped 20 percent between 2012 and 2014.
The news was welcomed by those who oppose the frequent use of suspensions and expulsions, known as exclusionary discipline. In recent years, many policymakers and educators have called for the adoption of alternative disciplinary strategies that allow students to stay in school and not miss valuable learning time. Advocates for discipline reform contend that suspensions are meted out in a biased way, because minority students and those with disabilities receive a disproportionate share of them. Some also assert that reducing suspensions would improve school climate for all students.
Government leaders have taken steps to encourage school discipline reform. The Obama administration has embarked on several initiatives to encourage schools to move away from suspensions and toward alternative strategies. In 2011, the Department of Education (DOE) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) launched the Supportive School Discipline Initiative to coordinate federal efforts in this area. In January 2014, the DOE released a resource package with a variety of informational materials designed to support state and local efforts to improve school climate and discipline. The package included a “Dear Colleague” letter, issued jointly by DOE and DOJ, warning against intentional racial discrimination but also stating that schools unlawfully discriminate even “if a policy is neutral on its face—meaning that the policy itself does not mention race—and is administered in an evenhanded manner but has a disparate impact, i.e., a disproportionate and unjustified effect on students of a particular race.”
Discipline reform efforts are also underway at the state and school-district levels. As of May 2015, 22 states and the District of Columbia had revised their laws in order to require or encourage schools to: limit the use of exclusionary discipline practices; implement supportive (that is, nonpunitive) discipline strategies that rely on behavioral interventions; and provide support services such as counseling, dropout prevention, and guidance services for at-risk students. And as of the 2015–16 school year, 23 of the 100 largest school districts nationwide had implemented policy reforms requiring nonpunitive discipline strategies and/or limits to the use of suspensions. In an April 2014 survey of 500 district superintendents conducted by the School Superintendents Association (AASA), 84 percent of respondents reported that their districts had updated their code of conduct within the previous three years.
What evidence supports the call for discipline reform? How might alternative strategies affect students and schools? In this article, we describe the critiques of exclusionary discipline and then examine the research base on which discipline policy reform rests. We also describe the alternative approaches that are gaining traction in America’s schools and present the evidence on their efficacy. Throughout, we consider what we know (and don’t yet know) about the effect of reducing suspensions on a variety of important outcomes, such as school safety, school climate, and student achievement.
In general, we find that the evidence for critiques of exclusionary discipline and in support of alternative strategies is relatively thin. In part, this is because many discipline reforms at the state and local levels have only been implemented in the last few years. While disparities in school discipline by race and disability status have been well documented, the evidence is inconclusive as to whether or not these disparate practices involve racial bias and discrimination. Further, the evidence on alternative strategies is mainly correlational, suggesting that more research is necessary to uncover how alternative approaches to suspensions affect school safety and student outcomes.
Addressing such questions is vitally important, because a safe school climate is essential for student success. A recent National Center for Education Statistics report documented downward trends in suspensions, student victimization, and reports of bullying. Since 2006, out-of-school suspensions have declined, with more recent declines in expulsions (see Figure 1). Still, more than one-third of teachers in 2012 reported that student behavior problems and tardiness interfered with their teaching. Regardless of the kind of discipline districts choose to employ, policymakers and school leaders must recognize that school disorder and violence have adverse effects on all students. For example, students who were exposed to Hurricane Katrina evacuees with significant behavior problems experienced short-term increases in school absences and discipline problems themselves. Recent evidence also shows that exposure to disruptive peers during elementary school worsens student achievement and later life outcomes, including high school achievement, college enrollment, and earnings (see “Domino Effect,” research, Summer 2009). These findings highlight the importance of closely monitoring the effects of discipline reform on all students.

Read more HERE 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Educating Independent Children in a Technologically Dependent World:

An excerpt from Be the Parent, Please: Stop Banning Seesaws and Start Banning SnapChat
By  01/08/2018

Education Next

Technology has changed the way kids are raised and educated. In her new book Be the Parent, Please: Stop Banning Seesaws and Start Banning SnapChat, Naomi Schaefer Riley offers parents strategies for helping children grow up with sensible boundaries as well as a sense of independence. In the following excerpt, she visits a nature club for homeschooled students, where children are developing social and emotional skills the old-fashioned way.

A couple of months after my son started second grade, I remember him poring over an atlas on our family room floor. He asked me about finding Massachusetts on a map—that’s where his grandparents live. When I told him to look further north, he seemed puzzled. “Simon, which direction is north?” I asked. Without hesitation, he answered, “Up.” It was a perfectly logical answer for someone who liked maps but was used to seeing them pinned to the front of a classroom rather than actually using them to get places.
A few weeks after this conversation, I found myself at a state park in the suburbs of Philadelphia with a group of about thirty kids ranging from toddlers to teenagers. A young man in his twenties took out a map of the park and handed a few other copies to the kids. Then he took out his compass—a couple of the kids pulled out their own as well—and asked them which way we should go to get to the trail. The kids laid their maps on the ground and quickly found the answer. “That way is north,” yelled one boy who looked to be about ten. “We need to head to the left up ahead.”
Like many of the kids at the park that day, this boy seemed confident, knowledgeable about his surroundings, and happy to talk to other kids of different ages, not to mention their parents. He was curious and excited but also surefooted and eager to warn others about pitfalls on the trail ahead.

Read more HERE

Discipline Resources

This blog post is dedicated to providing resources and links for a social media brainstorming session to help provide solutions to the ongoing discipline conversation in Charles County Public Schools.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Governor Budgets More Dollars for School Construction


The Governor’s FY 2019 budget contains millions more in capital improvement program funding — the central source of state funding for Maryland school construction.
The following chart shows the Governor’s FY 2018 budget proposal for school construction, the General Assembly’s final capital budget for FY 2018, and the Governor’s FY 2019 budget proposal.
Screenshot 2018-01-19 14.50.41

Additional capital funding is provided to schools with high enrollment or high numbers of relocatable classrooms, and to Baltimore City schools, under separate statutory provisions.

Final Knott Commission on School Construction Report Released

The final report is released for the Commission Chair’s briefings for the House Appropriations Committee and Senate Budget and Taxation Committee.
Many recommendations in the Knott Commission Report aim to streamline processes and reduce school construction costs.
The 21st Century School Facilities Commission (Knott Commission) final report has been released and the recommendations, at first glance, seem to be largely in line with the Commission’s prior discussions.
In the briefing for the House Appropriations Committee, Delegate Maggie McIntosh, Chair of the Committee, made opening remarks and stated that the Report would be put into bill form and could be a major piece of legislation to come out this year.
Martin Knott, Chair of the Commission, spoke of 4 needs in school construction:

  1. Flexibility for locals and streamlining processes;
  2. Incentives for positive construction practices;
  3. A focus for the role of the State on providing technical assistance to small school systems with fewer resources; and
  4. Transparency in existing facility conditions.

Read more HERE

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Notes from Board of Education Work Session, 1/22/18

The Board of Education Work Session on Monday, January 22 will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs .

The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes.

Call to order – 6 p.m.- Pledge of Allegiance
Public Forum - None
Public hearing on FY2019 proposed operating budget - None
Work Session

FY 2019 proposed operating budget

  • Kelly Submitted Questions and Answers
  • Lukas Submitted Questions and Answers
  • Budget Amendment
  • State revenue increased $3.1 million dollars primarily due to Net Taxable Income and the Guaranteed Tax Base but sways from year to year
  • Lukas - Cost to add one activity bus to each high school one day a week
    • Kelly - How would you pick the day/club some students would have to choose
  • Marshall - Proponent to activity buses
  • Kelly - Fine Arts funding increase; suggest MOUwith commissioners regarding teachers salaries
    • Lukas - what would make them adhere to it anymore than what is done now
    • Marshall - Ask state legislatures to mandate
    • Kelly - State law similar to police salaries
Policy 6431: Extracurricular activities and athletics eligibility requirements for grades 6-12

  • Eligibility Recommendations
  • Kelly Submitted Questions and Response
  • Abell - no issue with 6th and 9th grade waiver.  Against allowing F's and more than 5 absences.  Need better clarification in Policy/Rules regarding lawful/unlawful and excused/unexcused absences.
  • Lukas - Agree with clean start for 6th and 9th grade; against F's and a cap on absences.  requested more data
  • Kelly - Sees proposal as lowering the standard; against lowering for 6th and 9th
  • McGraw - all stakeholders were involved extensively and comfortable with recommendation as presented.
Executive Session


Notes from Teacher Town Hall Meeting, 1/22/18

The Board of Education held a Town Hall Meeting for teachers on Monday, January 22.

The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes.

First I want to apologize for not getting these up last night.  My computer was having a moment during our meeting and wouldn't allow me to log in etc.  In addition, I've decided for the purpose of these notes to NOT report the individual staff member name with the comments and list the topics discussed in a broad sense.  Please note, the board and staff did not have time to respond to every concern brought forth but we will be posting the questions/concerns along with responses on within the next couple of weeks.

Thank you to everyone that participated and we heard you!
  • what is the required ratio of  students to counselors.  Concern of elementary schools overcrowded with only one counselor.
    • The state recommends 1 counselor to every 250 students.  This number is completely unrealistic and no system in the state has been able to adhere.  Baltimore County doesn't even have elementary counselors.
  • 50% grading policy is not working, is unfair and is no different than social promotion
  • New teachers at high school level teaching 5-6 different classes...workload burdens
  • Teacher workload from annual curriculum changes.  Every year is completely different and cant be piggy backed from previous year.  
  • Resources - too many different places to find curriculum resources and no set resources.   
  • None to little help in raising class test scores; strategies etc.
  • Teacher retention and morale; better customer service
  • Cell Phone Policy/BYOD - disconnect between what it can provide and actual implementation.  Too much of a distraction.  Students using phones during noon instructional times
    • My personal note - Actual cell phone usage policy not being properly implemented or enforced.
  • Lack of COLA since 2009.  Salary scale for veteran teachers diminished.  New teachers being hired at hire pay.
  • Professional Development opportunities fro PPW's, counselors, etc.
  • Upgrade/improvements needed of facilities
  • Breakfast in the classrooms is disruptive and another task placed on teachers.  
  • cell phones recording in schools and teachers privacy
  • large class sizes
  • School culture
  • Project Lead the Way; Engineering open to all students at all schools EXCEPT North Point where students must apply.  Students zoned for North Point dont have the opportunity for Engineering except through application.
  • Equity in staff.  Cited repeated annual staff and administrative turnover at school with lack of tenure.  Incentive or stipends to teach at these struggling schools
  • Students out of control, cursing, disrespectful, assaulting and threatening teachers and other students.
  • Initiate an aggressive social media marketing campaign for the budget approval process
  • Teachers receive negative instead of constructive criticism and need to feel valued and supported.
  • Assault of teacher by student; feel school is an unsafe environment for staff;
  • Teacher implemented Tardy Policy for her class and worked for several years but with the new grading policy now its not allowed
  • Art and other specialty teachers need time to collaborate with likes at other schools
  • Suicide prevention strategies and training for staff and embedded in curriculum for students
  • Need more mentors for new teachers
  • Teachers injured by students increasing
  • Discipline not enforced and students out of control; PBIS not working; setting kids up for failure by not enforcing consequences and setting firm expectations
  • Student ID Badges to identify students by name and for school safety
  • Character Education
  • Additional Orientation option for new teachers hired late.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Hogan proposes 'corruption' investigator for Maryland's public schools

Gov. Larry Hogan said Monday there is a crisis of confidence in Maryland’s public schools and proposed a new “investigator general” to root out what he described as corruption, mismanagement and ineptitude in some Maryland school districts.
In Hogan’s vision, the investigator would have subpoena power, the authority to summon people to public hearings and a bully pulpit.
“Our children desperately need someone to fight for their civil rights,” Hogan, a Republican, said during a wide-ranging news conference in Annapolis. “There’s not enough accountability.”
Establishing such a position would require the endorsement of the General Assembly.

The presiding officers of the legislature, Democrats House Speaker Michael E. Busch and Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, declined to comment on Hogan’s characterization of schools or the idea of an investigator general.
But several other prominent Democrats offered lukewarm support for an inquisitor who could efficiently ferret out waste and enforce ethics laws.
“I do think there probably should be a role ... to make sure that counties are addressing any ethical issues that come up,” said Baltimore Democrat Del. Maggie McIntosh, chair of the House Appropriations Committee.
Read more HERE

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Secretary DeVos Approves Maryland's ESSA State Plan

U.S, Department of Education
Press Office
January 16, 2018

Washington — U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos today announced the approval of Maryland's consolidated state plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
"Maryland's plan met the requirements of the law, and so I am happy to approve it," said Secretary DeVos. "This plan should not be seen as a ceiling, but as a foundation upon which Maryland can improve education for its students."
Allowing states more flexibility in how they deliver education to students is at the core of ESSA. Each state crafted a plan that it feels will best offer educational opportunities to meet the needs of the state and its students.
The following are some of the unique elements from Maryland's approved plan as highlighted by the state:
  • Awards credit for elementary school students completing a well-rounded curriculum as measured by the percentage of students passing social studies, fine arts, physical education and health.
  • Supports low-performing schools through innovative strategies based on collaboration between local school districts and the state, including providing access to leadership coaches for school leaders at low-performing schools in order to give guidance on the implementation of school improvement strategies.
Read more HERE

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Board of Education to host Jan. 22 work session

The Board of Education of Charles County is holding a public work session at 6 p.m., Monday, Jan. 22 in the boardroom at the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building. The meeting will be televised live on the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) website at and broadcast on Comcast Channel 96/Verizon FiOS Channel 12.
The following is a meeting agenda and is subject to change.
Call to order – 6 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Forum
Public hearing on FY2019 proposed operating budget
Work Session
·         FY 2019 proposed operating budget
·         Policy 6431: Extracurricular activities and athletics eligibility requirements for grades 6-12


Board hosting Town Hall meetings for CCPS staff

The Board of Education of Charles County is hosting two Town Hall meetings for Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) employees. The first Town Hall is 4:30 to 6 p.m., Monday, Jan. 22 in the staff development room at the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building in La Plata. The meeting is for certificated staff.
The second Town Hall meeting is set for 4:30 to 6 p.m., Monday, Feb. 26 in the boardroom at the Starkey Building. The meeting is for CCPS support staff. Registration for the support staff meeting opens Jan. 23. 
Both meetings are open to the public, but will not be televised or streamed live on the CCPS website.

The purpose of the Town Hall meetings is to provide employees with a platform to ask questions and discuss items with the Board about education and schools. Employees register in advance to participate in the meetings. Questions can be sent by email to   

Governor Announces FY19 Budget Proposal

Conduit Street
By Barbara Zektick
Governor Larry Hogan announced at a news conference on Tuesday afternoon that he plans to submit his budget tomorrow, in accordance with State law. He announced that the budget will include record funding for K-12 education, full funding for Program Open Space, and nearly $1 billion in cash reserves. He stressed that his budget includes no new taxes, cuts to services, or raiding of special funds – and is 100 percent structurally balanced.
He committed $230 million for local roads, which is about 8 percent greater than last year. His published statement provides that this includes $178.1 million in highway user revenue funds, and $53.7 million in capital grants to local jurisdictions. He also agreed to work the legislature to restore infrastructure funding for local governments.
Governor Hogan faulted the General Assembly for attempting to pass along $2.8 billion in new spending mandates last session. He pledged to once again submit legislation providing mandate relief.
Read more HERE

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Notes from Board of Education Meeting,1/9/18

The Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, January 9 will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs .

The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes.

Call to order – 1 p.m. - Pledge of Allegiance, Maurice J. McDonough High School
Recognition of 2018 Maryland General Assembly Student Pages
Election of Chairman 
  • Lukas nominates Palko; Second by Marshall

Unanimous Vote
Palko is 2018 Chairman

Election of Vice Chairman
  • McGraw nominates Abell; Second by Marshall

Unanimous Vote
Abell is 2018 Vice Chairman
Superintendents update - Report
Correspondence/Board member updates
  • McGraw - Congratulations; events attended; senior portfolios; EACC Legislative Reception; Scholorships application is online this year
  • Crawford - Congratulations; Women at Risk event on January 18th; Challenge everyone to forgive and practice humility.  Quoted bible and Dr. Martin Luther King
  • Kelly - Congratulations; Westlake tour; Thanks to all organizations and community for your assistance and support during the Bell investigation.
  • Marshall - Congratulations
  • Lukas - EACC Legislative Reception; CSM Luncheon
  • Abell - thank you to fellow board members for your vote and support
  • Palko - Maryland Independent Meet & Greet; EACC Recpetion; School visits; Senior Portfolios; Dreambox
Education Association of Charles County update - Report

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees update - Report

Student Board member update - Report

Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) anti-bullying efforts - Report
  • Kelly - Repeatedly?  Need to document twice before action?
  • Hollstein - No
  • McGraw - Reporting Form - follow-up and conferences documented?
  • Hollstein - Yes
  • Marshall - CCPS is not only educating in academics but we are eeducating the WHOLE student.
  • Lukas - Reporting form just for students.  Staff has a different form.
  • Palko - Still need a work group?
  • Consensus of the board is to wait.
Student discipline programs - Report
  • Increase in students with mental health issues
  • Four programs implemented to address behavioral changes and discipline concerns
    • Restorative Programs
    • Aspire Program - K-2
    • Therapeutic In-School Intervention Programs - HS
    • Parent Shadowing - MS and HS
  • Marshall - how do we collaborate with other agencies regarding the mental health issues of our students.
  • Hollstein - We are exploring all options and making it a priority to find additional resources.  We have a partnership with Tri-County Youth Services and the Health Department.
  • Crawford - parent shadowing - what happens at end of day if parent is not supportive and is defensive of their student
  • Hollstein - It opens up the communication between the parent and teacher/administration
  • McGraw - Timeline for Aspire program from start to end.  
  • Hollstein - Approximately 45 days but individualized for each student
  • Kelly - Aspire program works with parents as well for reinforcement of strategies.
  • Palko - PASS program is no longer implemented?
Inclement weather procedures - Report

  • SMECO rebate should be $253,400

  • Proposed FY2019 operating budget - Presentation and Report
    • Beacon Study proves that for every dollar CCPS spends, $1.81 is returned by in-county spending.
    • Highest enrollment growth in the state.  Greatest for CCPS since 2005.   Plan for 460 additional students.
    • Special Education student enrollment is increasing by 2.7%
    • FARMS rate is 35.9%
    • State funding will increase by $8.7M
    • County funding request is 7% increase ($12.3M)
    • Fund balanced decreased by $1M jeopardizing reserves as best practice ($3.2M)
    • Lunch prices will remain the same:  Elementary $2.65 and Secondary $2.90 
    • Operating cost per pupil $13,724
    • Starting teacher salaries in Charles = $45,253, Calvert = $45,496, St. Mary's = $46,500
    • Wellness program is successful
    • $2M increase in health care cost
    • Increase: 18 additional teachers to maintain 25:1 student teacher ratio
    • Increase:  ASPIRE Program and Instructional Assistants
    • State mandates replacement of 25 buses. (15 year life)
    • Federal mandate to support teachers' pension ($8.1M)
    • Various other mandatory costs
    • Kelly - Narcan Nasal Spray Mandate - shouldn't it be included in the request.; OPEB why is that not included as a solid line item
    • Sotomayer - OPEB is budgeted at $4M. 
    • Lukas - not as high as a priority
    • Crawford - MABE Insurance increase; are we locked in? Is this increase what you would expect to see
    • Sotomayor - yes.  and this cost is minimal compared to if we were individually insured.
    • Abell - thank you for the very informative and easy to comprehend presentation
    • Palko - Board members send any budget questions to Chair for staff response prior to January work session
    Legislative update

    • Session starts tomorrow
    • Sick Leave Bill - will be addressed this year.  We are against.
    • state budget going in with a deficit; inlikely it will affect education
    • recent federal tax bill may affect us is state reduces taxes
    • Hogan announced new initiative on public education - hire a public school investigator to investigate schools around the state.
    • Kelly - Hogan's announcement about changing 65% to 80% on accountability for schools
    • Schwartz - Hogan would like to see it increased.  

    Unfinished business
    • Environmental scan update - survey is now live
    • Kelly - tour of Billingsley
    • Kelly - Updated Bullying Data
    • Kelly - Eligibility Policy questions - send to staff
    • Palko - The Green Sheet, Kirwan Commission
    • Palko - Questions from NAACP
    New business  

    Future agenda items
    • Kelly - Be the Difference Award and Nominees.  Subcommittee?
      • Palko - Members to participate Kelly, McGraw and Lukas
    • Palko - MABE Legislative Luncheon
    • Hill - Online scheduling (Feb?)
    • Lukas - Farming for Hunger Presentation
    • Palko - Infants and Toddlers Program
    Executive session – 11:15 a.m.
    Motion to go into executive session by Abell:  Second by Kelly
    Yes= Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko
    Public Forum – 6 p.m.  - NONE
    Action items
    • Minutes
    Motion to approve the minutes by Abell:  Second by Kelly
    Yes= Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko

    • Personnel
    Motion to approve the Personnel by Abell:  Second by Lukas
    Yes= Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko

    • John Hanson Middle School grant of access 
    Motion to approve Grant Access by Kelly:  Second by Lukas
    Yes= Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko

    Agenda for Board of Education Meeting, 1/9/18

    The Board of Education’s next monthly meeting is Tuesday, Jan. 9, at the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building on Radio Station Road in La Plata. The public portion of the meeting begins at 1 p.m. and recognition starts at 4:30 p.m.
    The meeting is televised live on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon FiOS Channel 12, and rebroadcast throughout the week. Board meetings are streamed live on the school system website Select “Click Here to Watch the Board Meeting” from the middle of the home page to launch the meeting. The following is a tentative meeting agenda and subject to change.
    Executive session – 12 p.m.
    Call to order – 1 p.m.
    Pledge of Allegiance, Maurice J. McDonough High School
    Recognition of 2018 Maryland General Assembly Student Pages
    Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
    Superintendents update
    • Reports of officers/board/committees
    • Correspondence/Board member updates
    • Education Association of Charles County update
    • American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees update
    • Student Board member update
    • Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) anti-bullying efforts
    • Student discipline programs
    • Inclement weather procedures
    • Proposed FY2019 operating budget
    • Legislative update
    Unfinished business
    • Environmental scan update
    New business and future agenda items
    • New business
    • Future agenda items
    Recognition – 4:30 p.m.
    • Check presentation from Charles County Arts Alliance
    • Recognition of La Plata Rotary Club
    • Resolutions: Black History Month, Career and Technical Education Month; National School Counseling Week; and Gifted and Talented Education Month
    • Students
    • Employees 
    Public Forum – 6 p.m. 
    Action items
    • Minutes
    • Personnel
    • John Hanson Middle School grant of access 