Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Government Lesson for the Day

A new an interesting fact I learned today...

According to Maryland Article 13-203 a flag staff displaying a Maryland flag must also have a cross bottony as a topper. This regulation applies to all government and public schools in the state of Maryland.
To learn more about the regulation click here.


Anonymous said...

The law doesn't exactly say a flag must also have a gold cross bottany when displayed. It says the only permissible additional ornamentation is a gold cross bottany. There is a clear difference between the two statements.

It would be like if a company, hospital whatever said that the only jewelry that can be worn is earrings. That's not the same as saying earrings must be worn.

Jennifer Abell said...

Correct! ONLY a gold cross bottony. Not an eagle. Not a ball. Nothing but the bottony.