Saturday, March 17, 2018

Expanding County Flexibility Opens the Door on School Construction

Zach Hands
Conduit Street

MACo Research Director Robin Eilenberg testified in support on Senate Bill 1145, “County Boards of Education – Leasing of School Property”, before the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee on March 15, 2018. This bill gives counties significant flexibility in finding alternative means of financing school construction.
Among the newfound authorities granted to counties are:
1. the ability to use alternative financing methods;
2. engage in competitive negotiation, including construction management at–risk arrangements;
3. accept unsolicited proposals for the development of public schools;
4. Use quality–based selection, in which selection is based on a combination of qualifications and
cost factors, to select developers and builders; AND
5. Lease property from a county or private entity for use as a public school.
Read more HERE

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