The Board Meeting Tuesday, Jun 10th will be re-broadcast on Channel 96 on Wednesdays at 6 p.m.; Fridays at 9 a.m.; and Saturdays and Sundays at 2 p.m. . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs.
The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes.
- Male - Wineland...$130M for new HS last yer... sounds reasonable for state of the art school. Remove all the amenities and it isn't worth it. Don't try to keep up with North Point...try to keep up with Montgomery county, etc. Early childhood - Reading First funding not available for Charles, why? Why isn't COMAR used for CC for Kindergarten entrance
- Female - Spec. Ed. Asst. in CCPS. 3 children in CCPS with autism (brought two). are intending school in an inclusive closed room school. Now being moved to in-zone open classroom school. Environment not conducive for autism learning. Lack of support staff for inclusive teachers. Provide funding for instructional assistants, additional planning time to complete IEP's etc.
REPORT - Superintendent - Russian Civics Mosaic Project
- Russian partnership - grant funded by U.S. Dept. of Education. Westlake, Stone, & LaPlata will be participating in this Part II of the program. future teleconference.
- 2,030 seniors/ $27.2M in scholarships
- AC fixed at Somers
REPORT - Board Members Updates - (no report available)
- Pedersen - Blue Ribbon - Education Committee would like to get together with us
- Carrington - ROTC recognition
REPORT - EACC - Update
- Thank you for salary enhancements
- watch county commissioners ACTUAL revenues
- salutes retiring teachers
- teacher workload
- regulation changes proposed at state level
- send letter to MSDE opposing regulation changes
Motion by Wise, second by Pedersen for the Board to send letter opposing regulation changes
REPORT - Deputy Supt. - Crime Solvers; Graduation
- in all high schools and middle schools
- Abell - false leads a problem---NO
- Abell - place statistics on Board Docs
- Pedersen - concerned about disseminating the information to the public. Public perception
- Richmond - disagrees. community problem. can't solve alone
- Abell - disagree also. Public meeting = public information = public document
REPORT - CIP - Update
- Neal received occupancy and use permit
- Somers completely finished by start of school year
- Craik finished
- TC Martin portable classroom complete
- Lackey - duplex
- North Point - relocatables on schedule
- All day Kindergarten at Barnhart awarded to Mattingly
- New high school
Pedersen motioned, second by Wise to send a letter to the commissioners requesting architect to continue on design. Clear direction
REPORT - Schematics for FDK additions/renovations for Brown, Indian Head, Middleton and Turner
REPORT - Legislative Update - Ethics Regulations 8160
- Allows ethics panel to review annual ethics forms
- Abell - Why/how did this come about? (This was brought up before by a board member and it was never acted upon). Were we in violation?
- Schwartz - Our audit this year - staff recommended this to prevent future audits
REPORT - Curriculum Update - Bridge Plan
- See presentation
- Not passing HSA's, Bridge project classes over summer and during school year
REPORT - Financial Update - May Financials
- Abell - Questioned unexplained balances on individual schools...perception by some that if the principals do not spend all of their allocated funds and return a large portion at the end of the year, they will receive a kick back. Please clarify.
- Wade - how would the public know about the individual school balances, they shouldn't see the accounts
- Abell - The individual school balances are in the report and are public information
- Richmond - upset and very defensive. Rumors are NOT true. Principals do not receive any kick-backs for unspent balances.
- Pedersen - What counts committee needs to meet. 9/4/08
NEW BUSINESS - FY2009 Budget Adjustment
- See presentation. Needed to adjust budget based on # given by commissioners.
- Carrington - CCSO to put on agenda for career in law enforcement
ACTION - EACC/ AFSME Contract Signing
ACTION - Draft minutes of the regular Board meeting of May 13, 2008; the executive session minutes of April 8, 2008; April 21, 2008; May 8, 2008; and, May 13, 2008.
ACTION - Personnel
ACTION - Out-of-County Tuition Rates
ACTION - Educational Facilities Master Plan
ACTION - 2009 - 2010 Calendar
ACTION - Textbook: Career & Technology (CTE)