Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Notes from Board of Education Meeting, 8/9/22

The Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 was streamed live on ccboe.com and aired live on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon FiOs Channel 12.  The meeting will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at http://www.ccboe.com/ .  CCPS also will post the meeting on its YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/ccpsmd.To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs .

The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes. Individual names are spelled to the best of my ability.

Executive session – 11:30 a.m.

Call to order – 1 p.m.

Superintendent’s update

Board Member correspondence

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) update
  • Hancock - BYOD sunsetting and cell phones and discipline; cell phone policy and repercussions.
  • Wilson - importance of vaccinations; school lunches, watch delinquent accounts; logistics of managing and distributing devices for every student.
  • Battle-Lockhart - Electronic forms for free lunch?; cell phone policy and parental support; tutoring statistics to prove it's working; student ID's coming back; 

Recurring resolutions

Unfinished business

New business 

  • McGraw- Athletic Eligibility Policy - Supt. Recommendation.  Attendance requirements stay the same, no failing grades, but GPA changes to 2.0; Freshmen exempt until end of first semester

Motion to approve Athletic Eligibility Policy as staff recommendation above by McGraw; 
Second by Brown
Yes = Abujuma, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson; No = Abell, Battle-Lockhart

Future agenda items

  • Hancock - Cell phone policy; but it's a rule
  • Battle-Lockhart - ISR program presentation; Charter School Journey; Achieving Academic Excellence in African American Boys at Westlake
  • McGraw - AIB; Blueprint Implementation on regular agenda

Public forum – 6 p.m.

  • Leslie Johnson - student St. Charles HS; free lunch, under reading level and now above.  
  • Karl Grebe - foreign exchange student deadline; begs for extension for him to host
  • Chris Tomlinson - coach in county; eligibility policy, thank you for the changes you made.  Only 6 upperclassmen at one school are now eligible.  We need to do more.    Allow F's. 
Action Items
  • Minutes
Motion to approve the Executive Session Minutes from 6/14/22  by Abell; Second by Wilson
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson

Motion to approve the Meeting Minutes from 6/14/22  by McGraw; Second by Abell
Yes = Abell, Abujuma, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson

Motion to approve the Executive Session Minutes from 6/27/22  by Abell; Second by Brown
Yes = Abell, Brown, Hancock, McGraw, Wilson; Abstain = Battle-Lockhart, Lukas

Motion to approve the Meeting Minutes from 6/27/22  by Wilson; Second by Brown
Yes = Abell, Abujuma, Brown, Hancock, McGraw, Wilson; Abstain = Battle-Lockhart, Lukas
  • Personnel
Motion to approve Personnel by McGraw; Second by Abell
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson
  • Daily/Hourly tuition and wage rates 
Motion to approve tuition and wage rates by Abell; Second by Brown
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson
  • PISOTA charter school amendment
Motion to approve charter school amendment by Wilson; Second by Abell
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson


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