Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Notes from Board of Education Meeting, 9/8/20

The Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, September 8 was streamed live on ccboe.com and aired live on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon FiOs Channel 12.  The meeting will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at http://www.ccboe.com/ . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs .

The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes. Individual names are spelled to the best of my ability.

Executive session – 12 p.m.

Call to order – 1 p.m.

  • Employee contract signing: Education Association of Charles County (EACC) and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)

Superintendent’s update - Report

Board Member correspondence
  • Wilson - Upcoming MABE conference; visit to Higdon parking lot on first day; APFO changes; Thank you to Linda McLaughlin for SRO Training; support of SRO's in schools.
  • Brown - Leadership Conference; EACC SRO training.
  • Hancock - Good to be back.  Spoke at planning commission along with fellow board members; joint meeting with the commissioners.
  • Lukas - Thank you to Dr. Hill and staff
  • McGraw - SRO workshop; MABE conference; MABE Committees.; board committees - need to start on Policy again.

EACC update - Report

Student Board Member update - Report

Draft equity policy - Report

Opening of schools - Report
  • Lukas - Request how many students in each of the population groups in Phase 2 and by school.
  • Abell - Only change between phases at end/beginning of quarter (11/5).  Students have a choice but staff do not.  Protocols to take place if COVID numbers go up or at a school.  Will owrk with county health department who will dictate actions.
  • Hancock - Equality vs Equity - make move over quarter
  • Battle-Lockhart - Current approach to teach 30 students via Zoom with no IA's.
  • Brown - no kids back before end of quarter
  • Wilson - start quarter; finish quarter
  • Abell - Assignments in Synergy
Technology update 
  • some laptops and hot spots have been delayed
  • only 30 staff; 8 always on help desk
SY 2021-2022 calendar
  • Option 1 provides for a full week of Spring Break while Option 2 only provides for the long weekend.
  • Abell - Early dismissal days all on same day of the week?
  • Hancock - wants post Labor Day start; staff says survey doesn't indicate parents want it.
Project status update - Report

School seat allocation - Presentation by county government staff; i requested a copy be uploaded to our BoardDocs.
  •  Abell - requested map of PFA's.  How did you come up with 800 as a cap?  allowing for Waldorf Station and multiple developments on PFA's per year.  How did it get expanded to include PFA's?  At a commissioner meeting.  The 800 does not include towns allocations or those allocations granted through the sunset provision.  No  Do other counties have a sunset provision?  Anne Arundel  Will definitely need  collaboration to for full forward funding.
  • Hancock - Sunset provision; can you move forward without this provision?  It will be up to the commissioners.
  • Lukas - yield factors.
  • Wilson - data, need more on six years put and current projects on list with anniversary dates for allocations.  Will forward list to county government staff.
FY 2021 Comprehensive Maintenance Plan

Recurring resolutions
  • American Education Week; American Freedom Week; Inclusion and Diversity Resolution; Black History Month; Gifted and Talented Education Month; Career and Technology Education Month; National School Counseling Week; Read Across America; Women’s History Month; Fine and Performing Arts Month; Month of the Young Child; National Student Leadership Week; Teacher Appreciation Week; Administrative Professionals Week; Child Nutrition Employee Appreciation Week; National Physical Education and Sport Week; Washington Post Principal of the Year Awards Program; Washington Post Teacher of the Year Awards Program; Maryland Teacher of the Year (MTOY): Charles County nominee; Be the Difference; Retirement Resolution 

Unfinished business 

New business 

  • APFO Possible Task Force - McGraw requested Abell, Lukas, Wilson to serve
  • Suspension of Board policies - Report - consensus to continue

Future agenda items

  • Herd - Fine Arts Adapting Virtually Report

  • Herd - Overview of applications/platforms being used for virtual learning.

Public forum

Action items

  • Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes from August 11, 2020 by Wilson; Second by Hancock
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson

Motion to approve the minutes from September 2, 2020 by Abell; Second by Brwn
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson

  • Personnel
Motion to approve the personnel by Brown; Second by Wilson
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson

  • FY 2021 CIP State and Local Program
Motion to approve the CIP by Abell; Second by Lukas
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson

  • Recurring Resolutions 
Motion to approve the recurring resolutions by Hancock; Second by Brown
Yes = Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson; Abstain = Abell


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