Thursday, April 16, 2020

Agenda for Board of Education Teleconference Board Meeting, 4/21/20

The Board of Education’s next monthly meeting is Tuesday, April 21. The Board is observing social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and it will conduct the meeting entirely via teleconference. There will be no public access to the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building on Radio Station Road in La Plata; however, the meeting will stream live on and air live on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon FiOs Channel 12. Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) will rebroadcast the meeting as well as post it on CCPSTV under the Board Meeting tab.

Executive session begins at noon, and the public portion of the meeting starts at 1 p.m. Agenda items have been condensed to include updates and issues that require Board attention at this time. Although the Board is unable to make Public Forum live, it is encouraging the public to email comments to Board members will read all comments as well as post them on There will not be any recognitions during this meeting.
Board meetings are streamed live on the school system website at Select the live stream image displayed in the center of the home page. The following is a tentative meeting agenda and is subject to change.
Executive Session –[Pursuant to 3-305 and 3-103 of the General Provisions Article] – 12 p.m.
Call to Order1 p.m.
Superintendent’s update to the Board, Kimberly A. Hill, Ed.D., superintendent of schools
Reports of Officers/Boards/Committees
·         Correspondence/Board members’ updates 
·         Education Association of Charles County update: Linda McLaughlin, president
·         American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees update: Sarah Burch, president
·         Student Board member’s update: DeJuan Woods, Jr., Thomas Stone High School 
Information item
o    Eric Schwartz, staff attorney
§  Review of instructional policies that may need to be suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic
o    Amy Hollstein, deputy superintendent
§  Grading options
Information item
o    Sherri Fisher Davis, budget manager
§  Intercategory budget change
Information item
o    Eric Schwartz, staff attorney
§  Review of non-instructional policies that may need to be suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic
V. Unfinished Business
VI. New Business and Future Agenda Items
·         New Business
o    Vote on suspension of Board policies
o    Vote on grading options
·         Future agenda items
VII. Action Items
·         Minutes
·         Personnel
VIII. Adjournment

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