Thursday, February 25, 2010

Changes to Two-Hour Early Dismissal Days

Superintendent James E. Richmond has made several decisions regarding 2010 calendar changes. The Superintendent intends to request a waiver of three days from the state. If the state grants the waiver, Mr. Richmond will submit the recommendation to the Board of Education to restore the three days now scheduled to be made up during Spring Break. That decision will be announced March 9 at the Board of Education meeting.

Before granting waivers, the state is requiring school systems to show that sufficient efforts have been made to make up for lost instruction through calendar planning and modifications. The school system is going to make up for some lost instructional time by converting two-hour early dismissal days for students to full days.

The Superintendent has changed a number of two-hour early dismissal days into full days of instruction for students. Two-hour early dismissal days that are now full days for students are:

· Thursday, March 4

· Wednesday, March 24

· Wednesday, April 28

· Wednesday, May 26

· Friday, June 11

· Monday, June 14

Please change this information on your calendars.

The two-hour early dismissal days on April 8, May 12, June 15 and June 16 remain as early dismissal days for students.

As of Feb. 25, the school system had closed seven days for inclement weather. Four days are built into the calendar, leaving three days to be made up elsewhere. The school calendar, set by the Board of Education more than a year in advance, calls for any additional days used to be made up during Spring Break on March 29, March 30 and March 31. Also, if weather causes future closings, additional calendar changes are possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

June 11 and 14? Really? For making up instructional time? Ha ha. Everyone knows the kids have literally no instructional time after mid May anyway. Now my kids will will be watching videos, talking quietly with neighbors, and cleaning desks and bulletin boards all day instead of half of a day. What a waste! This is more about the time a kid's butt is planted in a seat instead of the amount of time a kid is actually learning something. If you want to give kids instructional time, take away a day from spring break. In my opinion, they already had their break. It came early. Do they really need instruction interrupted again? Good grief! March is a time of year when they are still actually being taught something. Good idea to change the other the half days though.