Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bad teachers in D.C., Md. are shielded, report says

Survey data point to restrictive policies that thwart innovation

By Nick Anderson
The Washington Post
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A new national report card on educational innovation contends that principals in Maryland and the District of Columbia face too many barriers to ousting bad teachers.

As a result, both jurisdictions earned an F for teacher-removal policies. Virginia received an A.

Read more HERE.


Jennifer Abell said...

You don't say

LegalBeaglette said...

The report explains its methodology for each segment, and I looked at “Removing Ineffective Teachers” specifically:

Staffing: Removing Ineffective Teachers

In this category, we sought to measure the barriers to the removal of ineffective teachers. To do this, we analyzed the 2007–2008 Schools and Staffing Survey. The data came from the principal survey, which asked principals if they believe the following issues are a barrier to the “dismissal of poor-performing or incompetent teachers.” The percentage of principals who answered no to each question was reported at the state level for the following issues:

Percentage of [Maryland] principals who say the following is not a barrier to the removal of “poor-performing or incompetent” teachers:

Personnel policies? 36% say no
Termination decisions not upheld? 69%
Length of time required for the termination process? 24%
Effort required for documentation? 25%
Tight deadlines for completing documentation? 45%
Tenure? 27%
Teacher associations or unions? 28%
Dismissal is too stressful? 88%
Difficulty in obtaining suitable replacements? 72%
Resistance from parents? 97%

The most significant barriers in Maryland: Length of time required for the termination process, effort required for documentation, tenure, teacher associations or unions, and personnel policies.

It is interesting that Virginia’s principals listed the most significant barriers as tenure (33%) and effort required for documentation (36%). Aren’t both of these items directly linked to education association/union labor agreements and personnel policies in Virginia, too?