Sunday, December 02, 2007

Effort to Limit Junk Food in Schools Faces Hurdles

According to the New York Times...

Federal lawmakers are considering the broadest effort ever to limit what children eat: a national ban on selling candy, sugary soda and salty, fatty food in school snack bars, vending machines and cafeteria lines.

Whether the measure, an amendment to the farm bill, can survive the convoluted politics that have bogged down that legislation in the Senate is one issue. Whether it can survive the battle among factions in the fight to improve school food is another.
Read more HERE

IMHO, we have come along way on the foods offered at school. Could more be done? Definitely. I also believe the current CCPS Policy is too strict and possibly misinterpreted the intent of the state (MSDE MOM #12 Guidelines) and federal (law 108-265, section June 30, 2004 Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004) rules and regulations. For example, some schools require adherence for ALL incoming foods, even those donated for special occasions. In other words, no cupcakes or ice cream sundaes for parties. Instead maybe we could do away with that greasy cafeteria pizza or those nasty frozen-fried chicken nuggets.

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