Sunday, July 02, 2006

Early Dismissals, Half-Days, Late Arrivals

To Anonymous & Curious,
This is in response to two posts under the subject (Role of the Board of Education) regarding Early dismissals, Half Days, Late Arrivals. I just wanted to post something brief to let you know that I hear you, I've read your comments, and I will be posting a reply soon. I'm doing a little research and obtaining some information before replying. So...stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Half days, once a month, are crazy. Crazy for the student, for the educator, and for parents. Who came up with the idea anyway? How is it beneficial to those involved? We have lived in several states around the country and Charles County has created a first, we have never seen anything like it. Talk about a great way to get off track and lose the day to day "focus". It just does not make sense, unless you know something we don't! The half day is a wasted day no matter how it sliced! Make it a full day and let the kids out of school sooner at the end of the year, if that be the case.

Jennifer Abell said...

Just to clarify some. According to Maryland law, we must serve lunch for it to be counted as a "day of school". We are also required for students to attend achool for 180 days. The half days assist the school system in meeting the required number of days of instruction while also allowing adequate time for teacher planning and instruction.

Anonymous said...

If that be the case, how come other states don't have or "need" half day Weds. to move along in their school systems? Also, to serve lunch at 9 or 10 a.m. is just plain nuts! Talk about a wasted day! Just think about it....

Jennifer Abell said...

Thinking about it. I agree I never liked it myself but would love to get some more feedback and some facts on what other systems do to accomodate everything.