Wednesday, June 28, 2006


This post is in response to "Anonymous" under the title "Vote for Jennifer Abell" which I have asked for more clarity. (I would like to please urge everyone to at least use a username because all of the anonymous posts are getting really confusing. ) I thought it might be better to start another topic group, since this topic is of a more sensitive nature.

As for religion, I am religious, I am a Christian, and I love God. He is my companion and confidant and sustains me through my days.

I do not believe I have ever pushed or even tried to push my religious beliefs on anyone. I respect all religions, cultures, and people and knowing that everyone is different, also believe that religious teachings are best left for the family to decide. After all, these students are not just students of the Charles County Public School System, but they are first and foremost YOUR children.

I do believe there are certain values that can be enhanced, instilled and enforced in the school system. Sometimes people might betray these values as religious but they are simply values that are necessary to live in unison in a community. Such as, do not kill, lie, steal, or cheat. Respect one another and their property. Etc. I do not believe that anyone, no matter what religion (or following), culture, or upbringing you come from, would argue these values as unimportant in society.

I hope this posts clarified my position on religion in the schools.


Anonymous said...

With regards to the comments about keeping religion out of schools I was very encouraged by your opinion that all religions, cultures, beliefs, etc. should be respected. I believe respecting others' differences is the key to peaceful, harmonious existence. I was also glad to hear you say that religious teachings should indeed be left to family & religious institution, NOT our schools. I think you were perceived as pushing to teach creationism & NOT evolution in the classroom. Thanks for clearing that up.

Jennifer Abell said...

To voveritas (Mr. Eaton),
Thank you for your input. I agree, a HEALTHY debate on the subject could be very beneficial and clear up any misconceptions. In fact, I publically suggested just that a little over a year ago. We could send invitations to reknown experts to represent each side during an open forum. Unfortunately, my idea never came to fruition.

Jennifer Abell said...

Doodydom, I agree! Creationism is based on Christian belief and that is why I do NOT believe it belongs in the public school system. Your comment, Without science our nation is doomed and Thomas Jefferson woould be ashamed, I'm not sure where you are coming from with them. No one is trying to ban science and why would Jefferson be ashamed? Please clarify.

Anonymous said...

I found this on The Bay Net News -
WHAT A TERRIBLE THING THIS BOARD HAS DONE TO OUR CHILDREN..teachers afraid to teach, children who are taught to not wonder our SAT scores are down. KEEP RELIGION OUT OF SCHOOLS

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STAND UP for Charles County Schools

This Story Has Been Viewed 198 Times Since 8/28/2006

"There is great argument in the news about teaching evolution. Many believe creationism or intelligent design should also be taught. My children and their friends are amused at the argument as all report they were never taught evolution, creationism or any other theory. It was not the level of course they were enrolled in- from AP to honors to B level, nothing was taught.

Maybe the argument should be actually teaching any subject. As an example: In Honors Biology, no dissection was taught even though we had to pay a fee for the tools and supplies. In fact they all reported that the same teacher was seldom in the room because of other voluntary duties and just told the teens to read.

In the small time she attended class; she told the class that if they did not believe in God, they would go to hell. In what context this was associated with, no one had any idea."

Jennifer Abell said...

I must say I am shocked! Unfortunately, the only way the Board or the Superintendent is aware of this type of situation is if a parent is bold enough to bring it to our attention. I am currently on the way out the door with my children to a family event, but I will be printing the article you mention and taking it with me for further reading. Thank you for pointing this out. and of course I do not condone this type of behavior.