Monday, February 22, 2021

Notes from Board of Education Work Session, 2/22/21

The Board of Education Work Session on Monday, February 22, 2021 was streamed live on and aired live on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon FiOs Channel 12.  The meeting will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs .

The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes. Individual names are spelled to the best of my ability.

Call to Order – 6 p.m. - Pledge of Allegiance

  • Board members’ notes

Public Forum – preregistered speakers only

  • Darlene Persons - discouraged and stung by the vote to delay opening at the last meeting. MSDE said should not be based on vaccinations. CCHD says schools are not a driver of the spread. Scientific evidence and research says to send children back to school. Mental health. Focus was on adult needs and vaccinations.
  • Francisco Rodriquez - grew up in poverty and is honored to be here.  7th grade instructional assistance.  been in building working since August.  Father of 3 children.  Why does CCPS have only one contact tracer.  Are people being missed? Concern of bandwidth with more devices in school buildings.  Fear of crash.  more diverse leadership in central office for outreach.  Comment that students aren't learning was hurtful. are virtual learners exempt from standardized testing.
  • Linda McLaughlin - EACC President.  Thank you to board for choosing caution when sending students back to school.  Thank you to Heim and Stoddard for the traveling road show (walk thru) at schools. Oppose House Bill 1060 as written, Charles County Board of Education election put forth by Delegate Patterson.  Also proposes full voting rights for student board members.
  • Rachel Clark - Teach HS Biology and Biomedical Science.  Thank you for choosing to delay.  I look at it as a scientist and a teacher.  One week after Spring Break is too early to move to Phase 4.  Weekly testing for secondary students.  
  • Danny Mears - 11th grade at McDonough HS.  HB1060/SB749 support student board member voting rights.
  • Eric Valentine - LPHS student liaison; HB1060/SB749 support student board member voting rights. Give Phase 3 and 4 the opportunity to return.
Facility Funding Task Force - Report
  • Development projects in the pipeline and affects on the capacity.
  • Battle-Lockhart - State rated capacity - could it change with our new hybrid model of school
  • $42M for a new elementary school for 766
  • $32M for renovation and expansion of TC Martin
  • $56M for new middle school
  • $123M for another HS 
  • $308M in total construction within 5 years to accommodate growth.
  • Lukas - New schools level of confidence that those will happen in the time frame requested?
  • Andritz - Turner is on, others may be delayed. 
House Bill 1060/Senate Bill 749: Board of Education Membership Alteration and Full Student Board Voting Rights Bill
  • Bill
  • Summary
  • Brown - very much against trying to amend this bill when the public has not been given a chance to weigh in.  Welcome opportunity to sit down with legislators and come up with 
Motion to oppose the bills by Brown; Second by Abell
  • Abell - After careful reflection and reconsideration i agree with Ms. Brown.
  • Hancock - agreed.  Process was flawed.  With zero communication from public.
  • McGraw - I contacted Delegate Patterson for though process; she is looking forward to and would consider any amendments we produce.  Worried about opposing it altogether.
  • Battle-Lockhart - Agree with Ms. McGraw. 
  • Lukas - Agree with McGraw and Battle-Lockhart; comparison to other counties and term limits
  • Wilson - No discussion about this bill at any of our collaborative forums and legislative sessions we have held with the delegates.  No discussion of this during our work session with the delegates that we initiated and again no comment about this bill.  Not honoring the process and setting a bad precedent.  If we make amendments we are participating in not honoring the process.  The public should have an opportunity to weigh in.  We received an invitation about this bill today from the commissioners for a discussion with all of us tomorrow.  No transparency.  Total disregard for the public participation with significant consequences on the county education.
  • Battle-Lockhart - the public voted for us to represent them.
  • Lukas - this is not a county bill or even a county delegation bill.  Fearful that if we do nothing the delegate can say that no objections from the education.
Yes = Abell, Brown, Hancock; Wilson; No = Battle-Lockhart, Lukas, McGraw; Abstain =Herd
  • Wilson - move forward with letter to Ellis and Patterson about
  • Lukas - we need to give specifics
  • Abell - need to get constituents opinions before deciding how to move forward on any other topics.  We heard from public on student board member voting but nothing else in this.
Motion to send a letter requesting the bill not be introduced until next legislative session to allow for collaboration by Lukas; Second by Abell
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, Wilson; No = McGraw; Abstain = Herd

Phase-in timeline of the reopening of schools - Report
  • Battle-Lockhart - Testing (Yes for symptomatic); contact tracing question (in house in collaboration with health department, once kids come back we will be adding additional staff to help with this); Spring Break and travel (honor system; hope people act responsibly); Healthcare individual supervisor to lead this effort (school nurses will be integral and additional people added as necessary).
  • Abell - Standardized testing (required by government; waiting for the possibility of waivers from the state, if we have to we will delay as long as possible and narrow the scope.  On the state board agenda for tomorrow)  Virtual learning?  Not sure how this will work for the virtual students.
  • Hancock - 7,924 students for Phase 4 how many will use transportation? (do not have that number right now but can get it.)
  • Battle-Lockhart - Senior celebrations etc. (outdoor graduation is do-able but current limit on outdoor gatherings would prevent it right now but it's still on the table.)
  • Lukas - if they go away for Spring break they should quarantine for 2 weeks and NOT come back to school even if no symptoms.  Leniency for change in plans to send children back. (Families can contact their principals.)
Motion to accept Superintendents recommendation by McGraw; Second by Lukas

Amendment to require Supt to send out reminder letter to quarantine by Lukas; Second by Abell
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson;  Herd = yes

Motion vote.
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson;  Herd = yes


Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Notes from Board of Education Virtual Meeting, 2/9/21

The Board of Education Virtual Board Meeting on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 was streamed live on and aired live on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon FiOs Channel 12.  The meeting will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs .

The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes. Individual names are spelled to the best of my ability.

Executive session – 11:30 a.m. 

Call to order – 1 p.m. - Pledge of Allegiance 

Superintendent’s update - Report

Correspondence/Board Member updates
  • Battle-Lockhart - condolences to those who have lost loved ones due to the pandemic.  Talked about anxiety and fears.    Daughter attends NPHS and has health issues.  Received emails from staff at NPHS who have been affected by COVID.  Husband is an essential worker.  Some emails are disrespectful.  We are trying to make the best decisions possible and we do understand.
  • Hancock - wants to remain positive; thank teachers and staff for all their hard work; thank you parents for your patience; teachers want a safe work environment and parents want an equitable education.
  • Lukas - looks forward to progress and to have staff and students back in the school when it is safe.  Meeting with commissioners and the town of LaPlata regarding Heritage Green.  Potential along with changes to APFO to have a significant detrimental impact to the school system.  Equity Training and Task Force; Legislative updates; Ms. Arnold asked for a video and had fun doing it.
  • McGraw - read all emails and listen to comments, I DO CARE.  Attended 36th annual MLK breakfast.  MSE recognition award to Ms. Brown.  Quarterly Charles County meeting where donors state why they provide funds.  Over 112 scholarships available.  Thank you to all staff.  Highlight a thank you to school nurses.
  • Brown - Echo sentiments of fellow board members.  Talked about experience with virtual learning with her granddaughter.
  • Wilson - Congratulations to Ms. Whatley; National School Counselor week; advocate for additional funding to counselors.  congratulations to Ms. Brown.  We are listening and we do care.
Education Association of Charles County (EACC) update - Report

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) update - Report

Student Board Member update - Report

Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE) update - Report

Superintendent search - Report

Reopening of schools: Deputy Superintendent Amy Hollstein; Dr. Dianna Abney, health officer, Charles County Department of Health; and Amber Starn, epidemiologist, Charles County Department of Health
  • Presentation & discussion
  • During Phase 2 - if elect in person and it's not working you can move to virtual.  If you pick virtual, you cannot move to in person.
  • Battle-Lockhart - timing of emails; titles of those that have been vaccinated.  discipline of teachers for denying lunch duty.
  • Lukas - who should NOT receive the vaccine; allergic reactions to other vaccines or injectable medications; allergies to any ingredients in the vaccine; anyone with ALOT of allergies; variants with vaccine.  Ethnicity and vaccinated numbers.
  • Hancock - positivity rate and trends; children don't always listen or follow rules, adults don't either.
  • Lukas - mask wearing and following proper guidelines
  • Battle-Lockhart - teachers as parents and what does that look like for them; they don't have a choice.
  • Dr. Hill - requiring all staff to report to school buildings on February 22nd unless they have an ADA.
Overview of student Board Member staff - Report

FY 2022 operating budget - Report

Legislative update - Report
  • Blueprint/Kirwan bill
  • HB612/SB496 - Add funds to schools
  • HB1060/SB749 - Membership Alterations - changes make up of board of ed of charles county.  6 voting districts with 1 member elected from each district and voted on by that district.  One county wide member that would serve as chair.  Students would get full voting rights.  Terms would be staggered with a max of 2 terms.  Vacancies would be filled by county commissioners and from the district where vacancy occurred.  public hearing on Feb 24th in Annapolis, Ways and Means Committee
  • McGraw - no community or commissioner input.  What prompted this bill?  Unknown.
  • Hancock - delegation has not reached out to any board member or student board.  Wish they had communicated with us.  Disappointed on lack of transparency and we as a board should have been consulted.  Parts we could definitely support and others that are concerning.
  • Lukas - counties that have districts?  St. Mary's  and Calvert all split but Charles is all one district.  A courtesy of a conversation or communication would have been optimum.  
  • Battle-Lockhart - Agree with other board members.  During the election it was about coming together but now it's not.  Collaboration is key.  Compromise for what is right for the county is key.  
  • Brown - very disappointed in the lack of collaboration.  Delegates are not collaborating. no input from community, commissioners, or board of ed.  
  • Wilson - historically as a board we have a legislative breakfast with all of our elected officials for an opportunity of collaboration.  The EACC also has something similar.  We want to collaborate!  I'm perplexed and disappointed.  The delegation put forth several bills this year without collaboration.  We need to write a letter.  Other bills prefilled like the SRO bill.  
Motion to oppose the bills by Brown; Second by Hancock
Motion withdrawn by Brown
  • Lukas - put aside differences and think about what is good for the school system.  Supporting with amendments 
  • Hancock - somethings i can get behind but it is targeted to us and no communication.
  • Abell - Also disappointed in the lack of communication but we need to put our feelings aside and have a discussion on what in this bill we can support and what we cannot.
Motion to support the bills with amendments by Abell; Second by McGraw
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Lukas, Wilson; Abstain = Herd

Unfinished business

New business

  • Suspension of Board policies - Report
    • Abell - post information on research for other districts on BoardDocs
    • Hancock - reports on grades
Motion for continued suspension of listed board policies by Abell; Second by McGraw
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Lukas, Wilson; Herd

Motion for suspension of eligibility policy 6431 by Abell; Second by Brown
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Lukas, Wilson; Herd
  • Lukas - virtual students can participate as well; Yes
Future agenda items
  • Lukas - Public meeting regarding SRO's
  • Abell - Future Agenda item spreadsheet to be shared with all board members as in years past.

Recognition – 4:30 p.m.

  • 2020 Support Staff Award honorees
    • James Earl Swann, building service manager, La Plata High School; 
    • Richard Day, computer analyst III, Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building and North Point High School; 
    • Dana Steffe, food service manager, Walter J. Mitchell Elementary School; 
    • Gary Cook, building controls system technician, CCPS maintenance shop
  • Students:
    • Anthony Lennon, Grade 12, Personal Responsibility, La Plata High School, Principal: Douglass Dolan
    • Addison Sheridan, Grade 8, Career Readiness, Piccowaxen Middle School, Principal: Wendell Martin
    • Ahian Witherspoon, Grade 5, Academic Achievement, Berry Elementary School, Principal: Lou D’Ambrosio
    • Mia Brown, Grade 5, Academic Achievement, Dr. Thomas L. Higdon Elementary School, Principal: Kathleen Morgan
    • Aris Hunter, Grade 5, Academic Achievement, Eva Turner Elementary School, Principal: Gary Lesko
  • Staff:
    • Cheryl Birmingham, pupil personnel worker, La Plata
    • LisaSue Smiroldo, library media specialist, Piccowaxen
    • Juan Gilmer, computer analyst, Berry
    • Kimberly McClosky, ACHIEVE special education teacher, Higdon
    • Adele Youngborg, food service manager, Turner

Public Forum – 6 p.m.

  • Dottery Washington - grandmother of CCPS; shares concerns of teachers; everyone should be vaccinated first.  Hard on educators.  Against bringing kids back now.
  • Alexandra Rak - Reopen Charles County Movement; lack of public forum is telling about how virtual school is lacking; school policy is lacking; threats of board member removal.
  • Sara Eicholtz - teacher for CCPS; doesn't want to return to building.  Alot of faith in others doing the right thing with not traveling and social distancing, etc. 
  • Karen Leavy Munk - 5th grader at Diggs; concerned on reopening; do teachers and students have enough PPE; how will schools handle lunch; Biologist at EPA; what cleaning procedures; hybrid model? teachers vs class monitors; protocols and procedures implemented.
  • Barbara Bostic - just here to listen; good to go and happy.
  • Clayton Woodward - Teacher; it's all about teaching and learning; Hogan cut $345M from public schools and then stated kids havent learned anything all year.  Virtual learning classroom.  Why are board meetings held virtually. Maintain safety when returning to classrooms.
  • Eric Valentine - Student Liaison from LPHS.  Virtual obstacles with the arts found resolutions and students have been excelling.  SRO's town hall with students.  disappointed in board attendance.
  • Michelle Ameyaw - Junior LPHS; little brother at Gwynn Center with speech impairment.  was showing improvement at end of 2019.  Once COVID his progress has halted.  regressed.  Virtual learning is difficult for him.  
  • Thema Green - Senior SCHS; why only one month to learn about black history.  
  • Ellen Blumhardt - parent 4 & 6 yo at Craik with disabilities.  daughter is high needs and pandemic has caused them to lose all in home care/support.  Paying out of pocket for an aid to assist with her daughter.  written several emails to all board members with limited responses.  
  • Darlene Persons - 2 granddaughters in CCPS 7th and K; virtual learning not working including eye strain.  Reopen schools.  vaccinations of staff can no longer be used as an excuse.  safety protocols should be in place and utilized.  start phase 2.  
  • Crista Fawls - parent of 7; 5 of school aged; 2 with disabilities; daughter with autism easily distracted.  gap between her and her peers is widening.  Data shows schools are safe.  Give parents a choice. Reopen for Phase 2 on March 1.
  • Jana Heyl - Arts Chair/Teacher at McDonough; mental health support; seniors...need to do more get them connected with each other and their community.  committee of principals, parents, students, etc to gear up for plans for graduation.  Not in May; McDonough renovations delayed; still on wait list for renovations.  15 extra acres on McDonough site can be used to create a new school for the arts since the state only has money for new schools.  Call it the Cecil Marshall Center for Performing Arts.
  • Sean Heyl - teacher at McDonough; thank you for safety protocols and willingness to listen; address mental health for both students and teachers; minority populations are more susceptible to illness.  
Oscar Price - Not getting enough information;  Honor system for staff members and students.  I got it from trusting the honor system.  all for returning but have to focus on "the honor system".

Action items  

  • Minutes - January 12, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
  • Motion to approve January Board Meeting Minutes by Abell; Second by McGraw
    Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Lukas, Wilson; Herd
  • Minutes - January 25, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
  • Motion to approve January Work Session Meeting Minutes by Lukas; Second by Brown
    Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Lukas, Wilson; Herd

  • Personnel
Motion to approve Personnel by Lukas; Second by Abell
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Lukas, Wilson

Motion to approve FY2022 operating Budget by McGraw; Second by Lukas
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Lukas, Wilson; Herd

  • Reopening of schools
Motion to move to Phase 2 on March 1 by Hancock; Second by Lukas
    • Lukas - not in favor of what was presented but seconded for the sake of bringing it to the floor for discussion.
    • Hancock - 2 recommendations - vaccines for staff or willingly ok with returning & parent choice; could support march 15th date
    • Brown - not in favor of bringing staff without vaccination
    • Battle-Lockhart - potential funding implications if we go past the March 1 date.  Choice.  Vaccinations.  
    • Herd - public is split; need for appeasing everyone; for staff choice.  
    • Abell - Hardest decision ever.  Feel physically ill.  Would like all teachers opportunity to be vaccinated.  Pro choice for parents and teachers.  Dr. hill already said all staff returning 2/22.  What about Spring Break and the pike afterwards.  
    • McGraw - proponent for special needs students to get what they need and fell like they have shortchanged.  Comfortable with March 15th.
    • Battle-Lockhart - why can we not over-ride the decision of Feb 22 for staff to return.
    • Dr. Hill - Education Article provides for Superintendent to direct who when where and why for staff.
    • Lukas - March 15th.  Testing still planned? Yes.  is that the reason for the push?
    • Hill - choice for staff and teachers; problem with choice; singling out one set of employees different than the ones that are already working.  Making decisions for the best interest of adults not children.  
Motion go into Phase 2 Monday March 22 by Hancock; Second by Brown
    • Herd - detrimental to delay that long.
    • Abell - cannot support that much of a delay for our children with special needs and students without internet access.
    • Battle-Lockhart - inclement weather and options to get vaccinated are limited.  We focus on the entire system. not just the kids.
    • Hill - No one has referred back to Abney and Starn which said vaccine and reopening does not have to be married together.  
    • Lukas - Abney said it was "safe to open"  she said she liked the plan and follow the mitigation process and we are not following it now.  Add in students and it is definitely not going to happen. 
    • Wilson - vaccination is one safety blanket that we can give the teachers but we arent in control of the logistics.  Fear, March 15th is better.
    • Stoddard - Staff students in schools since August have been following protocols and only 7 instances of community spread and it was because of not following protocols.  Vaccines are NOT relevant according to President, CDC and CCHD.  2400 spots given to us on Thursday by CCHD.  There are still 640 spots left.  Everyone wanting the vaccine has had an opportunity.  After 1st dose 80.2% is safely effective.   If you do get it, symptoms are greatly reduced.  
    • Hollstein - every week is detrimental to students in need.  Call the question
Yes = Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, Lukas, Wilson; No = Abell, McGraw, Herd  


Sunday, February 07, 2021

Agenda for Board of Education Meeting, 2/9/21

 The Board of Education’s next monthly meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 1 p.m. To maintain social distancing and safety guidelines, the Board will meet virtually. The meeting will stream live on the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) website, and air on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon Fios Channel 12. CCPS will rebroadcast the meeting as well as post it on CCPSTV under the Board meeting tab at

The Board has opened virtual Public Forum for interested community members. Public Forum is at 6 p.m. Speakers must register in advance, have an active email and Zoom account. Speakers can register by completing the form linked here, or by calling 301-932-6610 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and asking for Natalie Willett. Registered speakers will receive a meeting invitation link the day of the Board meeting and should plan to join the meeting at 5:55 p.m. Speakers will be called on by name and given three minutes to provide comments. Deadline to register is 12 p.m., Feb. 9.

Board meetings are streamed live on the school system website at The following is a tentative meeting agenda and is subject to change.

Executive session – 11:30 a.m. 

Call to order – 1 p.m.

  • Pledge of Allegiance 

Superintendent’s update 

Reports of officers/boards/committees

  • Correspondence/Board Member updates
  • Education Association of Charles County (EACC) update
  • American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) update
  • Student Board Member update
  • Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE) update
    • Superintendent search
  • Reopening of schools: Deputy Superintendent Amy Hollstein; Dr. Dianna Abney, health officer, Charles County Department of Health; and Amber Starn, epidemiologist, Charles County Department of Health
  • Overview of student Board Member staff
  • Project status update
  • Facility funding task force
  • FY 2022 operating budget
  • Legislative update

Unfinished business

New business and future agenda items

  • New business
    • Suspension of Board policies
  • Future agenda items

Recognition – 4:30 p.m.

  • ResolutionsRead Across Charles County; Women’s History Month; and Fine and Performing Arts Month.
  • 2021 Legislative Pages
  • 2020 Support Staff Award honorees: James Earl Swann, building service manager, La Plata High School; Richard Day, computer analyst III, Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building and North Point High School; Dana Steffe, food service manager, Walter J. Mitchell Elementary School; and Gary Cook, building controls system technician, CCPS maintenance shop
  • Students/Staff: La Plata High School; Piccowaxen Middle School; and Berry, Dr. Thomas L. Higdon and Eva Turner elementary schools

Public Forum – 6 p.m.

Action items

  • Minutes
  • Personnel
  • FY2022 proposed operating budget
  • Reopening of schools
