Monday, November 23, 2020

Notes from Board of Education Virtual Work Session, 11/23/20

The Board of Education Virtual Work Session on Monday, November 23 was streamed live on and aired live on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon FiOs Channel 12.  The meeting will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs .

The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes. Individual names are spelled to the best of my ability.

Executive session – 5 p.m.

Public Forum – written comments to

Call to Order– 6 p.m. - Pledge of Allegiance

Work session discussion - Student Board member voting rights

  • Hancock - how many voting student board  members have a county government consisting of county council vs county commissioners.  Both student board members on the call indicated they were under county council.  Hancock emphasized that under county council the BOE has limited power.
  • McGraw - shared input received from teachers, principals and community.  Student board members are not elected and are chosen by a small portion of students and do not have life experiences.  They are a special interest group.  
  • Wilson - agrees and shared examples of student members input and bringing forth recommendations.  Voting rights not needed.  Concerned about outside influence.
  • Abell - very concerned with pressure of influence, pressure and manipulation by other adults not only in the community but from other political elected officials.
  • Lukas - deadline to meet?  Herd was trying to meet Charles County Commissioners legislative deadline.  Asked Schwartz to provide process.  Delegation from Annapolis can with/or without approval from commissioners could sponsor a bill.
  • Schwartz - change in state law would have to go through General Assembly.  Would need to be proposed by delegation.  
  • Hancock - Of the counties that have SMOBs with voting rights, how many have a council vs commissioners and explain the difference.
  • Schwartz - they all have councils not commissioners
  • Brown - 
  • Battle-Lockhart - what meeting?; Herd's deadline and intent?  What was the hardest thing as a student board member.  Starting off.
  • Wilson - learning experience.  concerned about level of responsibility, pressures and the proposal is very broad.
  • Abell - onboarding for a board member takes a good 9-12 months.  Student board members are only here for a year.
  • Hancock - process; if I want to get something through I have to reach out and get 3 other board members on board.  We are not beholden to one special group; we are appointed by the county as a whole.  We have commissioners not councils.  This would diminish our authority as a board.
  • Lukas - Decision lies with commissioners?  True?   Delegates can put anything forward with or without commissioner approval.
  • McGraw - what did you meant by "any other non staff related issues"
Motion to not support student board member voting rights by Wilson; Second by Abell
Call for the question by Abell
Yes = Abell, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson; Abstain = Battle-Lockhart


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Notes from Board of Education Meeting, 11/10/20

The Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, November 10 was streamed live on and aired live on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon FiOs Channel 12.  The meeting will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs .

The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes. Individual names are spelled to the best of my ability.

Executive session – 12 p.m.

Call to order – 1 p.m.

Superintendent’s update to the Board - Report

Board Member correspondence 
  • Wilson - Visit to Piccowaxen with Mr. Martin, renovations and tour along with a visit to s. Farrell's science class.  CCPS got an "A" from Hunger Solutions for feeding our students.  Scholarship funds FAFSA opened in October, submit your application.  School allocations deadline for written comment to the commissioners is November 20.  Need more time to collaborate and discuss the issues.
  • Hancock - School Allocations, long term ramifications, please contact your county commissioners before November 20th.  Commend Supt for applying the brakes on Phase 2.  The right decision was made.  Ms.Wilson thank you for your service to our con
  • Abell - MABE Budget committee meeting; APFO Subcommittee meeting.  Legislation being proposed to commissioners to increase allocations.  CCPS does not have an issue with allocations for Waldorf Station or even the Opportunity Zone.  We do have issues with the remainder of the proposal.  After meeting with the Town of LaPlata and discussing the explosion of development that will happen within city limits (does not have to get allocations through the county and will increase by more than 5,000 over the next 10 years), we feel the rest of the proposal needs to be reconsidered and a collaboration with CCPS is of the utmost importance.  In addition, full forward funding is paramount to accelerate our Capital Improvement Plan and address the growth being planned for our county.
  • Lukas - Collaboration is key for smart growth and fully funding growth.  Making trips to elementary schools and getting care packages.  MABE Conference virtually attended.  MABE legislative positions and members can submit their proposals.  Thank you to parents, staff, and administrators and vor veterans for their service.
  • Battle-Lockhart - CCPS African American Task force attended; imperfect bias training and MABE annual conference, learning center comment from EACC letter, comments from public, i requested a Special Meeting and the other board members voted not to meet in regards to the COVID pandemic.
  • Brown - Thank you to all our veterans and to Dr. Hill for making the decision to remain virtual.  Thank you to Dr. Hill for meeting with me and answering my questions.  MABE conference attended.
  • McGraw - Scholarship Foundation meeting and application will go live soon.  Virtual scholarship fair happening on Dec. 15th.  Added 6 additional scholarships.  Congratulations to Ms. Starcher for representing the "Get Out To Vote".  Thank you to Dr. Hill for all of your efforts and to all staff for everything you do, and our parents and students.
Education Association of Charles County (EACC) update - Report

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) update - Report

Student Board Member update - Report

Beginning of Phase 2 update - 
  • November Board report
  • COVID 19 Decisions
  • Battle-Lockhart - effectiveness of temperature strips.  - Will get back to us.
  • Hancock - Reconsideration of telework   - continue to monitor situation and press conference tonight from Gov.
  • Wilson - Teacher/staff anxiety and thank you for sending emails   - yes we read them all, yes we lose sleep, yes we take the difficult decisions to heart
  • Battle-Lockhart - greatest challenges with so much concern and anxiety.   - suggest calling EAP and also a response to all emails and calls
  • Lukas - was the health department asked if they were in support of our move to Phase 2?    - yes and it was affirmative.  What is the magic number for moving forward?
  • Battle-Lockhart - Applications for accommodations, are we still accepting?   - yes, can be submitted at anytime.  571 thus far have requested; 181 approved
Hybrid Instruction - Report

Charles County Student Board member voting rights proposal - Presentation
  • Hancock - You are leaders and the future of this country.  If you get an angry email from one of your teachers about the way you voted how would you handle it?  In a professional manner the same way any adult would.
  • Lukas - All of you represent yourself very well and the presentation was wonderful.  Budget and teacher negotiations may be staff related but code of conduct and dress code definitely.
  • Wilson -   Systematic instructional change was a common theme relayed for public comments.  Meaning?  By giving us rights.
  • Wilson - why did you not present to us first instead of going to the commissioners?
  • Abell - Thank you for the presentation, all of you represent yourself very well, and you addressed all of the concerns i had when we spoke.
  • Lukas - election process - where is that delegated to CCASC
  • Battle-Lockhart - impressed with all of you and your presentation.  
  • McGraw - Thank you and very important issue.  Warrants an in depth discussion.
  • Abell - what is our timeline?  I don't believe we are ready to vote today.
  • Hancock - recommends removing budget and definitely not personnel.  Needs more time and research and ask constituents.
  • McGraw - Work Session scheduled for 11/23 to discuss in more detail.
Project status update - Report

Eva Turner Elementary School renovations - Report

2021 Legislative positions - Report
  • Hancock - COVID funding
  • Abell - Please add to our calendars
  • Lukas - transportation and bus life span move from 15 years
  • Hancock - add support for SRO's
Agenda for virtual legislative breakfast

 Unfinished business 

  • Lukas - Students without internet connection - let the students be at the school without their parents for the connection center for a day or two a week.

New business

Motion to approve the Suspension of Board Policies by Abell; Second by Brown
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, Mcgraw, Wilson

    • 2021 Legislative positions - Report
Motion to approve the Suspension of Board Policies by Lukas; Second by Hancock
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, Mcgraw, Wilson

Future agenda items
  • Wilson - COVID funding update

Virtual Recognition – 4:30 p.m. 

  • Students
    • Liliana Gordon, Grade 11, Career Readiness, North Point High School, Principal: Dan Kaple
    • Sydnee Smalls, Grade 8, Academic Achievement, Mattawoman Middle School, Principal: Sonia Blue
    • Grant Petterson, Grade 5, Academic Achievement, Walter J. Mitchell Elementary School, Principal: Nicholas Adam
    • Carter Harrigan, Grade 5, Personal Responsibility, Mary B. Neal Elementary School, Principal: Deborah Brown
  • Employees
    • Holly Dolan, resource teacher, North Point
    • Amanda Jones, language arts teacher, Mattawoman
    • Margaret Grove, fifth-grade teacher, Mitchell
    • Melissa Bridegum, second-grade teacher, Neal

Public forum

Action items

  • Minutes
Motion to approve the 10/13/2020 Executive Session Minutes by Abell; Second by Wilson
Yes = Abell, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, Mcgraw, Wilson; Absent =  Battle-Lockhart

Motion to approve the 10/13/2020 Board Meeting Minutes by Lukas; Second by Brown
Yes = Brown, Hancock, Lukas, Mcgraw, Wilson; Abstain = Abell; Abesent -  Battle-Lockhart

Motion to approve the Redistricting Hearing Minutes by Abell; Second by Brown
Yes = Abell, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, Mcgraw, Wilson; Abesent -  Battle-Lockhart 

  • Personnel
Motion to approve Personnel by Wilson; Second by Abell
Yes = Abell, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, Mcgraw, Wilson; Absent =  Battle-Lockhart

  • 2021-22 calendar 
Motion to approve the 2021-2022 Calendar by Abell; Second by Brown
Yes = Abell, Brown, Lukas, Mcgraw, Wilson; No = Hancock; Absent =  Battle-Lockhart


Sunday, November 08, 2020

Agenda for Board of Education Meeting, 11/10/20

The Board of Education’s next regular meeting is 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 10. The Board will meet in person at the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building in La Plata. To maintain social distancing and safety guidelines, there is no public access to the Starkey building for this meeting. The meeting will stream live on the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) website, and air on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon Fios Channel 12. CCPS will rebroadcast the meeting as well as post it on CCPSTV under the Board meeting tab at

There is no live public forum. Questions and comments can be emailed to Submissions are provided to Board members. The following is a tentative meeting agenda and is subject to change.

Executive session – 12 p.m.

Call to order – 1 p.m.

Superintendent’s update to the Board

Reports of officers/boards/committees

  • Board Member correspondence
  • Education Association of Charles County (EACC) update
  • American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) update
  • Student Board Member update
  • Beginning of Phase 2 update
  • Charles County student Board member voting rights proposal
  • Project status update
  • Eva Turner Elementary School renovations
  • 2021 Legislative positions
  • Agenda for virtual legislative breakfast

 Unfinished business 

New business and future agenda items

  • New business
    • Suspension of Board policies
    • 2021 Legislative positions
  • Future agenda items

Virtual Recognition – 4:30 p.m. 

  • Students
  • Employees

Public forum

Action items

  • Minutes
  • Personnel
  • 2021-22 calendar 
