Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Notes from Board of Education Teleconference Meeting, 6/9/20

The Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, June 9 was conducted via teleconference and streamed live on ccboe.com and aired live on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon FiOs Channel 12.  The meeting will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at http://www.ccboe.com/ . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs .

The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes. Individual names are spelled to the best of my ability.

Executive session – 11:30 a.m.
Call to order – 1 p.m.
Swearing in of new Student Board Member – Ian Herd, La Plata High School
Superintendent’s update to the Board - Report
Correspondence/Board member updates 
  • Wilson - Welcome to Ian and new student board members; kudos to Dr. Hill and entire system.
  • Battle-Lockhart - Thank you to entire system
  • Hancock - Congratulations to Ian and all liaisons; to all students and parents; diversity and inclusion month
  • Brown - congratulate to all staff and Ian and seniors that graduated and their parents
  • Lukas - thank you to staff and to seniors ($125M in scholarship offers) best of luck.
  • McGraw - strength and worth of organization is only as good as staff.  Thank you to our staff and all graduates and Ian. 
Education Association of Charles County update: Linda McLaughlin, president - Report

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees update: Sarah Burch, president

Student Board member update - Report

Summer school: Amy Hollstein, deputy superintendent

Re-opening of schools: Jason Stoddard, director of school safety and security - Report
  • Re-Opening Purposes and Principles
  • Bibliography 
  • Hancock - liklihood of state slecting openings of schools by regions
  • Stoddard - thinks it will be local control
  • Hancock - how much local control will we have on the operation of opening
  • Stoddard - local control
  • Lukas - State Supt will make decision on openings and local tailoring; opening is tied to the Gov. plan of Stage 3?  
  • Stoddard - Indication is yes.
Project status update: Michael Heim, assistant superintendent of supporting services - Report

Educational Facilities Master Plan questions: Michael Heim - Report

CARES Act funding plan: Charmaine Thompson, chief of instructional technology, and Sherri Fisher Davis, budget manager
  • Received $3.1M; 9400 devices will be purchased for all high school students
  • Lukas - how many devices were handed out during COVID?
  • Thompson - 7500+
State Board actions: Eric Schwartz, staff attorney 
  • CARES ACT - allows private schools to get money based on total population not just FARMS students.  MD state, amongst other states, will not be doing this but basing on FARMS.  Private schools not happy and may be taking legal action.
  • MD HS Assessment Waivers - seniors were waived this year and have expanded it to all students that would have taken assessments, i.e. Algebra 1 etc.  These students will never have to take the assessment and will receive credit if passing the class.
Unfinished Business 

  • Battle-Lockhart - 1969 graduates
    • Hill - recognition was scheduled and due to COVID, plans have been put on hold.
New Business
Motion to accept the tuition rates by Abell; Second by Wilson
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson
Motion to accept the daily/hourly wage rates by Abell; Second by Brown
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson
Motion to continue the suspension of policies by Abell; Second by Brown
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson
Motion to suspend policy 8160 by Brown; Second by Abell
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson
Future Agenda Items 
Public Forum – email written comments to boardmail@ccboe.com 
Action Items
Motion to accept the board meeting minutes from May 12, 2020 by Abell; Second by Wilson
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson

  • Personnel
Motion to accept personnel  by Abell; Second by Brown
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson

 Motion to accept personnel  by Lukas; Second by Hancock
Yes = Abell, Battle-Lockhart, Brown, Hancock, Lukas, McGraw, Wilson


Friday, June 05, 2020

Agenda for Board of Education Teleconference, 6/9/20

The Board of Education’s next monthly meeting is Tuesday, June 9 via teleconference. There is no public access to the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building on Radio Station Road in La Plata; however, the meeting will stream live on the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) website, www.ccboe.com and air live on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon FiOS Channel 12. CCPS will rebroadcast the meeting as well as post it on CCPSTV under the Board meeting tab at ccboe.com.
Executive session begins at 11:30 a.m., and the public portion of the meeting starts at 1 p.m. Agenda items have been condensed to include updates and issues that require Board attention at this time. Although the Board is unable to make public forum live, it is encouraging the public to email questions and comments to boardmail@ccboe.com. Comments should be limited to 250 words. Board members will read all comments as well as post them on ccboe.com. There will be no recognitions during this meeting.
Board meetings are streamed live on the school system website at ccboe.com. Select the live stream image displayed in the center of the home page. The following is a tentative meeting agenda and is subject to change.
Executive session – 11:30 a.m.
Call to order – 1 p.m.
Swearing in of new Student Board Member – Ian Herd, La Plata High School
Superintendent’s update to the Board 
Reports of officers/boards/committees
  • Correspondence/Board member updates
  • Education Association of Charles County update: Linda McLaughlin, president
  • American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees update: Sarah Burch, president
  • Student Board member update
  • Summer school: Amy Hollstein, deputy superintendent
  • Re-opening of schools: Jason Stoddard, director of school safety and security
  • Project status update: Michael Heim, assistant superintendent of supporting services
  • Educational Facilities Master Plan questions: Michael Heim
  • CARES Act funding plan: Charmaine Thompson, chief of instructional technology, and Sherri Fisher Davis, budget manager
  • State Board actions: Eric Schwartz, staff attorney 
Unfinished Business 
New Business and Future Agenda Items
  • New Business
    • FY2021 tuition rates
    • Daily/hourly wage rates
    • Continuation of suspension of Board policies
    • Suspension of Board policy 8160 
Future Agenda Items 
Public Forum – email written comments to boardmail@ccboe.com 
Action Items
  • Minutes
  • Personnel
  • Educational Facilities Master Plan 