Friday, September 28, 2018

Board seeks ethics panel members

The Board of Education of Charles County is looking for applications from county residents interested in serving on the Charles County Board of Education Ethics Panel.
The Board will be appointing new members in October to the all-volunteer, five-member panel, which interprets ethics regulations and provides advisory opinions to Board members and employees subject to the regulations. The ethics panel is appointed every four years prior to the election of Board of Education members.
The panel reviews complaints concerning any alleged ethics violation and receives and maintains all forms required to be filed under the ethics regulation. Ethics panel members meet at least once annually to review disclosure forms and as necessary to respond to inquiries.
Members of the Charles County Board of Education Ethics Panel must be eligible to vote in Charles County; and one member of the panel must be an attorney licensed to practice in the state of Maryland but who is not considered to be the Ethics Panel’s attorney.
Panel members may not be current members of the Board of Education; candidates for the Board; officials, employees, contractors or students of Charles County Public Schools; owners of or persons employed by a business entity doing business with the Board; any person registered with the Board as a lobbyist; or spouses of such persons.
Panel members serve four-year terms and may be reappointed. Anyone interested in serving on the panel should send a letter of interest and resume to Superintendent Kimberly A. Hill, Charles County Public Schools, Ethics Panel, P.O. Box 2770, La Plata, MD 20646, by Oct. 12.

CCPS works to curb absenteeism, support students

St. Charles High School senior Alexandra Risinger missed 28.5 days of school last school year. She was one of the 12.4 percent—or 3,516 Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) chronically absent students who missed 10 percent, or 18 or more days during the 2017-18 school year.
Risinger’s mother passed away in the beginning of her junior year causing her to miss a lot of school. She intentionally avoided school for a period of time, saying, “It took me a while to be ready to go back.” Later in the school year Risinger broke her foot while playing lacrosse, and her already-high absentee rate climbed. Most of her absences were excused, but Risinger said her grades suffered.
She credits her father, caring teachers and school programs for not only supporting her through tough times, but for also helping her to succeed academically.
“Chronic absenteeism occurs for many reasons and it is a national problem,” Superintendent Kimberly A. Hill said. National research shows effective school interventions result in improvements to student attendance. CCPS, said Hill, is working to curb absenteeism and its effects through student supports and interventions. Missing school for any reason exposes students to academic setbacks, Hill said. When a child misses multiple days it’s usually a sign that something serious may be happening with a student and his or her family, she said.
Risinger benefited from several interventions in place at St. Charles, including using the school’s daily activity period to receive instruction and complete assignments. “My math teacher especially went the extra mile to help me keep up,” she said. She also regularly stayed after school to make up work. Teachers adjusted her deadlines, and eventually she was able to bring her grades up, including in her Advanced Placement psychology and World History classes.
“When students are chronically absent, they risk falling behind or dropping out,” Deputy Superintendent Amy Hollstein said. CCPS is looking first to reduce the number of student absences while putting in place supports for those who face illnesses or personal issues that keep them from attending school. Supports like a home and hospital program, robots that allow an ill student to virtually attend class, a student graduate profile for all seniors, credit recovery, grade restoration, a Virtual Academy, make-up time during lunch and activity periods and Saturday school, are beginning to show an impact and allowing students to advance or graduate because they are allowed to complete their work, Hollstein said.
“Most of our students have good attendance,” Hollstein said. CCPS student attendance rates exceed state averages. In 2017-18, high school students’ attendance rate was 93.9 and middle and elementary school attendance averages were greater than 95 percent. The 12.4 percent of CCPS students missing 18 or more days of school, or about two days a month, is slightly below the national chronic absentee average of 13 percent. The Maryland State Department of Education defines chronically absent students as those who are absent for any reason, including illness, suspension or the need to care for a family member—regardless of whether absences are excused or unexcused.
“If kids need something, we make it work,” said Leslie Schroeck, a resource teacher at La Plata High School. Before offering interventions, Schroeck said, school staff works to pinpoint students missing multiple days and they work with the students and their parents to encourage students to attend every day unless they are ill.
“When we talk about instruction, every minute counts. Kids can’t learn if they are chronically absent, so it is important that we first understand why a student is chronically absent, and work to get them back in school and up to speed,” said Chrystal Benson, CCPS student engagement officer. Instructional interventions are only one part of the effort that includes a whole family approach, Benson said. Teachers, school administrators, psychologists and pupil personnel workers (PPWs) also play a critical role in identifying and supporting students’ educational and noneducational needs.
Attendance is not a graduation requirement in Maryland, but meeting state standards and successfully completing and passing classes is, Hollstein said. “We work to reduce chronic absenteeism not by excluding a child more, but by finding ways to get them back in school and to make up their work. How a child misses the days is really not the issue—it is all detrimental,” Hollstein said. She said she hopes legislators will give serious consideration to increased funding for mental health therapists and school counselors. “We need to help students who are facing serious life issues that prevent them from coming to school,” she said.
Hollstein stresses that the opportunities afforded to students are not a free pass. “We monitor their work and ensure they are mastering the content. Students must pass assessments on the make-up work in order to pass a class,” Hollstein said. Additionally, CCPS procedures require staff to investigate irregular attendance and for schools to notify parents when a child has missed five, 10 and 15 days. More than 15 days of absence leads to parent conferences, referral to outside agencies and attendance reviews. CCPS refers severe absentee cases to the Charles County State’s Attorney’s Office.
With the addition of interventions and alternative programs, the school system has contracted with an outside company to audit the school system’s high school graduation verification process and the educational value of the interventions. The audit will assess CCPS procedures to record, verify and report student grades and attendance; assess awareness and understanding of grading and attendance related to policies and procedures; evaluate compliance with CCPS grading and attendance procedures and law/regulations at the individual school level; and review grade changes for accuracy and appropriateness. The auditor will also evaluate reporting controls and procedures for the new student information system.
Schroeck said chronic absenteeism can lead to a student’s failure to graduate, and she is committed to getting students back in school and helping them succeed. “If we fail a child in ninth grade for missing school, how does that help the child? We have programs in place to help them… when they are ready to work, they need to have a fighting chance. We need to give them that chance,” Schroeck said.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Board considers proposal to change grading policy

Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) is asking the Board of Education to consider a grading change that would standardize the scale middle and high school teachers use to determine an “F” grade.
Should the F grade scale be 0 to 59 percent or 50 to 59 percent? Currently, the answer depends on which Charles County high school a student attends. CCPS Superintendent Kimberly Hill wants a uniform grading scale for all secondary schools.
The Board will hold a Town Hall on the grading policy prior to its Oct. 22 grading policy work session. Staff will provide a brief overview at 6 p.m. Questions and comments will be accepted starting at 6:10 p.m. and the work session will follow at 7 p.m. Board meetings are held at 5980 Radio Station Road, La Plata, MD 20646.
Under consideration is the CCPS grading committee’s recommendation that the Board consider a 10-point scale, 50 to 59 percent, as the universal scale for an “F” at secondary schools. La Plata, Maurice J. McDonough and North Point high schools base an F on a numerical value of 0 to 59 percent. So do all middle schools. Henry E. Lackey High School addresses the F scale on a case-by-case basis, but for the most part, adheres to the 0 to 59 percent scale. At St. Charles, Thomas Stone and Westlake high schools, failure is indicated by an F based on 50 to 59 percent in the first three quarters and 0 to 59 percent in the fourth quarter, a practice the committee supports.
“A student should never reach a place where there is no point in doing any more work because failure is inevitable,” Deputy Superintendent Amy Hollstein said.
Committee recommendation
An instructional team presented the grading report to the Board during its September meeting. It was the second presentation to the Board, which asked for more information on the CCPS grading committee recommendation.
The committee recommended that a failing grade at the end of three quarters be based on a numerical value of 50 to 59 percent. If a student received an overall percentage lower than 50 percent at the end of the quarter, it would be converted to 50 percent. However, the committee suggested that a failing grade in the fourth quarter be based on a 0 to 59 percent scale.
Composed of 17 middle and high school teachers, vice principals, principals, content specialists and Education Association of Charles County (EACC) representatives, the committee met six times between Sept. 28, 2017, and Feb. 8, 2018. Hollstein’s charge to the committee was to recommend consistent grading guidelines across all middle and high schools. Committee members also refined the philosophy of grading, the purpose of grades and things grades should not be used for, like discipline. 
The pros and cons
Board members also asked presenters for pros and cons of changing the numerical value of an F. Opponents of the 50 to 59 percent scale say it can lead to grade inflation, lower academic standards and give students a sense of entitlement. Additionally, some Board members questioned if it dilutes accountability, removes motivation for students to work hard and creates a false picture of student abilities.
Proponents argue an F in one marking period should not doom a student to failure for the semester or year.  Basing an F on a 0-59 scale defies logic and mathematical accuracy, creating an “academic death penalty.” Grades of A, B, C and D are all based on a 10-point spread. Proponents question why the range for an F should be 60-points, instead of 10-points.
Staff members provided examples of struggling learners who, with hard work and with determination, have been able to recover their grade with the 50-59 percent rule. Chrystal Benson, CCPS student engagement officer, cited the success of using the rule at the Robert D. Stethem Educational Center. “… the 50 percent is there to give students a cushion and some hope that with hard work and determination, they can see a way out. They don’t see themselves in a hole where they can’t get out of that hole,” Benson said.
Westlake Principal Diane Roberts agreed. When teachers see a student who is struggling, she said, they look beyond the grades and to what is going on in their life. “Sometimes there is a hiccup in the first three quarters… If we can’t work for the end goal of passing that class, that student will give up and probably drop out,” Roberts said. She cited tragedies like accidents and fires that can knock a student off track emotionally and mentally. “They’re thinking about survival and not about their grades,” she said.  “When they are ready to do something, to say it is not mathematically possible for you to pass that class… that just destroys the hope of that student.”
“Using 50-59 creates a climate of hope,” Hollstein said. “If they can make a change, they get a second chance. We are all about hard work helping students to success.”
Board member response
Board members asked additional questions, requested more data and said they wanted feedback from the community before deciding. The Board directed Hill to develop a survey and a public forum opportunity to solicit public input. The school system is creating an electronic survey that will also be available in paper form at schools.
Some Board members expressed concern over creating a policy for a small number of students, diluting grades and lowering expectations. Other members said they felt the school system needs to provide equity, meet the needs of children and expressed support for adding another layer of hope through a grading policy change.
Board member Margaret Marshall acknowledged the hard work of the committee and staff, but said there is no consensus of the Board at this time. “This requires more discussion and a great deal more consideration,” she said.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Notes from Board of Education Meeting, 9/11/18

The Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, September 11 will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs .
The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes.

Executive session – 11 a.m. 
Call to order – 1 p.m. - Pledge of Allegiance, Thomas Stone High School 
Superintendent’s update - Report

Correspondence/Board Member updates
  • McGraw - Start of school year, state board of education meeting.
  • Kelly - Start of school year, #choosekind, MABE conference, safety and security conference, Rocktoberfest
  • Marshall - attendance at first day of school, emotional
  • Abell - Thank EACC  for crab feast,  all staff and parents for a smooth first day, personally attended McDonough, JC Parks and Matthew Henson.

Education Association of Charles County update - Report

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees update - Report

Student Board Member update - Report

Grading policy - Report
  • Abell - if we have credit and grade recovery, why do we need this also?  It seems  as though we are diluting our grades on many levels
  • Lukas - On slide 4, could we find out how many students this represents
  • Kelly - data from other counties was obtained last year; lots of options to achieve without offering a minimum grade; cannot support; cites Hogan's comments on accountability and an article about Chicago Public School System
  • Hill - no grade fixing taking place in CCPS
  • Crawford - We have supports in place already for students that need them.
  • Marshall - complex situation with very contradicting points of view.  Support total development of child, grades aren't everything.  Shouldn't be done on a case by case basis but every student is different.
  • McGraw - Some MS and HS have done this in the past and some HS currently.  Children have different needs and we need to provide equity.
  • Patel - students would not be held to a standard and some will only take advantage of a policy like this;
Opening of schools - Report

Physical rehabilitation textbooks - Report

Summer projects - Report
  • Kelly - Billingsley completion date moved to December
  • Marshall - accolades, staff appreciative of enclosures
  • Kelly - cause for delays at Billingsley; redesign and bidding process for septic 
FY 2019 Comprehensive Maintenance Plan - Report
  • Palko - work order analysis, inspection?  Depends on school
  • McGraw - impressed with new streamlined work order process
Food and nutrition services update – summer meals and free breakfast - Report
  • Charles County has over 150,000 residents.  Over 8,000 live below poverty.  Over 700 CHILDREN are homeless.
  • Summer meals program 20,921 meals served which is about 4500 meals down
  • Breakfast = over 1.8 million
  • FREE Breakfast to ALL students Oct 1-26
  • Homegrown lunch week 9/24-28
  • No fees for using My Payments Plus
  • New and improved menus and quality (frozen to fresh)
  • hydroponic gardens
Staffing update - Report
  • attended 37 job fairs at colleges; held 3 job fairs locally
  • looking to hire December graduates;  will also begin meeting with juniors at universities now and offering letters of intent, CCPS scholarship program begins...and retention of current teachers
  • MS & HS - 163 new hires; ES - 119 - see report for specific content areas and/or locations
  • 211 Females; 71 males; 163 white; 110 black; 8 other
  • Kelly - thank you for closing the loop on the communication to applicants.  Black male teachers 20 out of the 110 blacks hired.  Wants stats on certificated staff in system
Policy 3000 series  - Report
Unfinished business - None
New business
  • Intercategory budget change
Motion to approve Abell; Second by Kelly
Yes=Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko

Future agenda items
  • Kelly - Grading Policy
  • Lukas - Cost for having athletics in the school
Public Forum – 6 p.m.
  • Deron Tross - congratulations on the start of the new school year.  Researched communications directors etc across the county.  Use of ccboe on personal social media pages is not right.  And should not be allowed to block people.  Said member who has the ccboe domain on their personal social media page, can be hacked and not secure.  urge county attorney to investigate.   
Action items
  • Minutes
Motion to approve Executive Session Minutes by Abell; Second by Kelly
Yes=Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Marshall, McGraw, Palko; Abstain=Lukas

Motion to approve Meeting Minutes by Abell; Second by Mcgraw
Yes=Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko
  • Personnel
Motion to approve Personnel by Kelly; Second by Marshall
Yes=Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko

  • FY 2020 CIP state and local program
Motion to approve  CIP by Kelly; Second by Lukas
Yes=Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko
  • Recurring Resolutions: American Education Week; American Freedom Week; Black History Month; Gifted and Talented Education Month; Career and Technology Education Month; National School Counseling Week; Read Across America; Women’s History Month; Fine and Performing Arts Month; Month of the Young Child; National Student Leadership Week; Teacher Appreciation Week; Administrative Professionals Week; Child Nutrition Employee Appreciation Week; National Physical Education and Sport Week; Washington Post Principal of the Year awards program; Charles County Teacher of the Year; Washington Post Teacher of the Year awards program; Be the Difference awards program; and Employees Retirement.
Motion to approve Resolutions by McGraw; Second by Kelly
Yes=Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko; Abstain=Abell
  • System goals
    • Marshall - concerned about the 3 in goal 1.D.
Motion to approve goals by Abell; Second by Lukas

Motion to amend 1.d to a 4 or above by Marshall; No second

original motion
Yes=Abell, Crawford, Kelly, Lukas, McGraw, Palko; Abstain=Marshall

CCPS offering free breakfast to all students next month

During the month of October, Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) will offer all students free breakfast as a jump-start to their school day. Beginning Oct. 1 and ending Oct. 26, all CCPS students can take advantage of the breakfast program to start the day with a free healthy breakfast. Items include milk, cereal, juice and fruit with an additional option of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for high school students.
This is the third consecutive year that CCPS has celebrated the school breakfast program by providing free meals to students in October. The goal is to spread awareness of the benefits of eating breakfast and ensuring students have access to healthy meal choices.
“Our goal in offering free breakfast in October is to ensure each child has an opportunity to start the learning day off right with healthy fuel for their bodies and minds. It is our hope that breakfast is part of a child’s normal daily routine. Students have a hard time focusing when they are hungry. I am excited to be able to offer free breakfast as a model for healthy eating habits,” Superintendent of Schools Kimberly Hill said.
The CCPS school breakfast program has more than doubled since 2012. Since 2011, the system has seen an increase of nearly 1.1 million breakfasts served to students.  At the end of the 2011-2012 school year, breakfasts served totaled 947,994. At the end of the 2017-18 school year, 1.8 million breakfasts had been served.
CCPS staff attribute the increase to several factors including the expansion of breakfast offerings, opportunities for students to buy breakfast and the ability for some students to eat in the classroom. Several schools offer separate areas for students to buy breakfast, such as walk-up kiosks, or provide a second time for students to buy breakfast in the morning.  
The free breakfast offering does not include a la carte items at the middle- or high-school levels. Additionally, offerings for students that attend Maryland Meals for Achievement (MMFA) schools will not change next month. This school year, CCPS has 14 schools that participate in the MMFA program, in which federal and state funding helps to provide free breakfast to students at those schools year round.  
Menu options, including breakfast, lunch and a la carte choices, are posted on the CCPS website at
Last school year, CCPS food and nutrition services staff served more than 4.2 million breakfast and lunches to students.

Friday, September 07, 2018

Annual College Fair is September 17 at North Point High School

Charles County Public Schools is hosting its 21st annual College Fair on Monday, Sept. 17 at North Point High School in Waldorf. High school juniors and seniors who attend CCPS schools attend the fair from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. as part of their school day. The fair is open to the public from 6 to 8 p.m.
Visitors can meet and talk with representatives from more than 150 colleges and universities at the fair. CCPS students who plan to attend during the school day must submit a signed permission form to the college and career advisor at their school.
Community members can attend the fair during the public session in the evening. Two financial aid sessions will be held during the evening hours, the first at 6:15 p.m. and the second at 7:15 p.m. There is no cost to attend the fair.

Innocence Stolen: Protecting our Children Online set for Sept. 25

A free internet safety presentation for parents and teens 16 and older will be held later this month to provide information on keeping children safe on the internet.
Guest speaker Vincent DeVivo, community outreach specialist with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Maryland, will present Innocence Stolen: Protecting our Children Online from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Sept. 25 at Dr. James Craik Elementary School.
The presentation will help parents learn how to protect young people from negative and criminal influences online while providing prevention and intervention strategies and internet safety resources for parents and families to use.
“Technology provides benefits, but it also presents dangers. Parents educate their children about personal safety — look both ways before you cross the street, don’t talk to strangers. We must be just as vigilant about children’s safety online where predators can take advantage of our tendencies to share our lives through GPS-tracked photos and messages,” Superintendent of Schools Kimberly Hill said. “Cyber security is a tenet of CCPS’s See Something, Say Something safety program and the Innocence Stolen presentation is one tool the school system is using to ensure our community is educated about how to protect themselves online.”
The presentation will discuss topics related to cyberbullying, internet predators, sexting and social networking. The content is not suitable for those younger than 16, according to event organizers.
“While technology is a great tool for learning and communicating, it also poses dangers that kids may be naive to,” said Charmaine Thompson, chief of instructional technology. “This presentation is a great opportunity to come and learn from a legal expert, and get tips on how to protect your children online.”
Craik is hosting the program, but it is open to the general public. Additional internet safety presentations will be held during the school year at schools around the county. Craik is at 7725 Marshall Corner Road in Pomfret.

New Elementary Instruction Website Available

New this school year for Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) parents is a website for elementary school instruction at The website is available at
The website features information about early childhood education, English as a Second Language (ESOL), fine arts, health and physical education, literacy, mathematics, science and social studies. The site also features information about instructional standards for elementary content areas, some of which is broken down by grade level.
The website also features information about gifted education programs and class acceleration, elementary retention procedures and resources to assist elementary school aged children with learning. Additionally, there is a directory of school system staff who oversee individual content areas within elementary education.
Elementary school instruction features evidence-based instructional practices that maintain a high level of rigor and complexity for students. Elementary school students often work in collaborative groups and participate in high-level discussions. Classroom activities and assignments encourage creativity and self-expression. As students develop skills and strategies, they apply learning and understanding in more independent activities.
For more information about the CCPS elementary instructional program, call 301-934-7332.   

Virtual Academy Registration

Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) offers high school students different options to complete graduation requirements, including attending the Virtual Academy. The academy operates out of the Robert D. Stethem Educational Center and offers courses for sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Students complete coursework both online and during face-to-face instruction. Courses are held Monday through Thursday and the Academy is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students are required to attend classes for five consecutive hours per day, four days per week. Interested students can apply between now and Friday, Sept. 28 to attend the Virtual Academy.
Transportation is provided for Virtual Academy students from their assigned home school. This is new for the 2018-19 school year and begins on Monday, Sept. 10. Virtual Academy students who would like to use bus transportation must take the bus to their home school, and board the Stethem shuttle bus. Virtual Academy students who ride the bus home will depart Stethem for their home schools at the 1:48 p.m. dismissal, and take a bus from their home school to their assigned residential bus stop.
The Academy is closed on Fridays and closes at 3 p.m. on all planned two-hour early dismissals days. Students must arrive by 10 a.m. on early dismissal days in order to meet the five-hour attendance requirement.
Applications must be signed by the student and parent, and requires signatures from both the school counselor and principal. Students accepted to attend the Virtual Academy must remain in the program for the entire school year. Virtual Academy students are not eligible to participate in sports or extracurricular activities at their home school.
The Academy offers 30 A-level courses through the online APEX Learning Program. Virtual Academy was piloted in CCPS during the 2016-17 school year with nearly 40 students initially enrolled. At the end of last school year, more than 160 high school students have enrolled in the Virtual Academy, with 82 students having graduated.
Virtual Academy students who meet graduation requirements receive their diplomas through their home school at the end of the school year. Virtual Academy students must remain in contact with their school counselor to ensure they are making progress toward graduation. Information and application materials are posted on the Stethem website at 

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Board of Education Agenda for 9/11/18

The Board of Education’s next monthly meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 11 at the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building on Radio Station Road in La Plata. The public portion of the meeting begins at 12 p.m. The meeting is televised live on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon FiOS Channel 12, and rebroadcast throughout the week.
Board meetings are streamed live on the school system website at Select the live streaming image posted on the front page to access the meeting. The following is a tentative meeting agenda and is subject to change.
Executive session – 11 a.m. 
Call to order – 1 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance, Thomas Stone High School 
Superintendent’s update 
Reports of officers/boards/committees
·         Correspondence/Board Member updates
·         Education Association of Charles County update
·         American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees update
·         Student Board Member update
·         Grading policy
·         Opening of schools
·         Physical rehabilitation textbooks
·         Summer projects
·         FY 2019 Comprehensive Maintenance Plan
·         Food and nutrition services update – summer meals and free breakfast
·         Staffing update
·         Policy 3000 series
Unfinished business
New business and future agenda items
·         New business
- Intercategory budget change
·         Future agenda items
Public Forum – 6 p.m.
Action items
·         Minutes
·         Personnel
·         FY 2020 CIP state and local program
·         Recurring Resolutions: American Education Week; American Freedom Week; Black History Month; Gifted and Talented Education Month; Career and Technology Education Month; National School Counseling Week; Read Across America; Women’s History Month; Fine and Performing Arts Month; Month of the Young Child; National Student Leadership Week; Teacher Appreciation Week; Administrative Professionals Week; Child Nutrition Employee Appreciation Week; National Physical Education and Sport Week; Washington Post Principal of the Year awards program; Charles County Teacher of the Year; Washington Post Teacher of the Year awards program; Be the Difference awards program; and Employees Retirement.
·         System goals

CCPS and the Maryland General Assembly Student Page Program

Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) is accepting applications from high school seniors interested in participating in the Maryland General Assembly Student Page Program. Each year, CCPS selects three high school seniors and one alternate to represent the school system in the program.
Student Pages spend two nonconsecutive weeks working in either the state Senate or House of Delegates during the legislative session in Annapolis. The session runs annually from January to April. Pages will serve one week during the first eight weeks of the session, and the second week during the last five weeks.
Pages receive a $55 stipend per day and must have transportation. Duties include keeping bill books up-to-date, distributing materials on the floor to members, assisting visitors and delivering messages to members.
Interested students must meet the following qualifications:
·         Reside in Maryland and attend a Maryland public high school;
·         Registered as a high school senior;
·         Be at least 16 years old;
·         Provide a social security number;
·         Have an interest in government and history;
·         Demonstrate outstanding classroom performance, behavior and judgement; and
·         Be reliable and courteous.
Students must apply for program consideration and can receive an application from the program sponsor at their school. The application is also available on the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) website at .
Along with the application, students must complete an essay assignment provided by their school’s program sponsor. Completed applications and essays must be submitted by Monday, Oct. 1 to the program sponsor at their school. Program sponsors are the following CCPS social studies teachers:
·         Henry E. Lackey High School, Jonathan Webster;
·         La Plata High School, Chris Butler;
·         Maurice J. McDonough High School, Nate Mouli;
·         North Point High School, Anna Newton;
·         Charles High School, Jonathan Perry;
·         Thomas Stone High School, James Lloyd; and
·         Westlake High School, Matthew Panzarella.
A panel of CCPS staff reviews applications and essay submissions to determine finalists for the three positions, as well as the alternate. Students who are selected as finalists will interview with a panel on Thursday, Oct. 11 at the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building.
 Additional details about the program are posted on the Maryland General Assembly website at