Notes from Board of Education Meeting, 11/8/16
The Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, November 8 will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs .
The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes.
Executive session – 1 p.m.
Executive session – 1 p.m.
Superintendent’s update to the Board - Superintendents Report 11-08-16.pdf (133 KB)
Correspondence/board member updates
- Kelly - Jenifer Elementary tour awesome; Lackey High School Yearbook staff; mailing report cards
- Crawford - Elections today, impressed with school staff
- Palko - Thank you to veterans; Thanks for riding the float to Lukas and McGraw; thanks to North Point staff and students for help building the float; Adult Graduation Ceremony; Stetham Virtual Academy
- McGraw - Project Graduation thanks
- Lukas - Congratulations to LaPlata Marching Band and good luck to soccer; Educators Rising event.
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees update
- working closely with EACC on projects and events
- Outstanding support staff, asks for recognition more than once a year
- Congratulations to North Point on Silver Hammer Award
Student Code of Conduct - Code of Student Conduct.pdf (748 KB)
- Abell - requested Suspension data to be made available to the public and include expulsions and in-school suspension. Why is North Point so low
- Lukas - Requests historical data, five year trend
- Suspensions, 2015-16 school year
- Suspensions, 2014-15 school year
- Suspensions, 2013-14 school year
- Suspensions, 2012-13 school year
- Suspensions, 2011-12 school year
- Suspension code definitions
- Marshall - 111 suspensions during September at he high school level
- 26,471 students; 600 Special population students
Calendar survey - report item -- calendar survey.pdf (19 KB)
Legislative update
- Thornton 2 - Commission on Innovation in Education
Unfinished business
- Palko - HB1406 - Adult high school concept task force. Charles County 6th best in state for adults with diplomas
Future agenda items
- Volunteers at elementary school and the number of readers that need extra help is increasing. Get data on readers at-above-below grade level for the past four years.
- Karen Cross - 5th time speaking during public forum. sent email with documents regarding transgender practice. best practices and biased organizations. children are not a social experiment.
- Keith McGirt - bus driver. mediation because contractor stole money from the drivers. system is housing thieves. time to right the wrong. wants to be county employees.
- Chris Ogne - local pastor and dad. 5th time speaking on the transgender policy. Only as good as source material. look at other source materials. against implementation of transgender policy and this implementation is actually teaching transgender and we should seek other source material.
- Yolanda Brown - 6 children in the system. if we continue with transgender policy we should also implement prayer back in school. stop trying to be the parents
- Minutes
Motion to approve the Minutes from 10/18/16 by Abell; Second by Kelly
Yes=Abell, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko Absent=Crawford
Motion to approve the Minutes from 10/24/16 by Abell; Second by Marshall
Yes=Abell, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko Absent=Crawford Abstain - Kelly
- Personnel
Motion to approve Personnel by Abell; Second by Marshall
Yes=Abell, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko Absent=Crawford
- 2017 Legislative positions
Motion to approve the Legislative positions by Lukas; Second by Kelly
Yes=Abell, Kelly, Lukas, Marshall, McGraw, Palko Absent=Crawford