The Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, August 13 will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs.
The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes.
Executive Session – 11 a.m.
Call to order – 1 p.m. - Pledge of Allegiance
Superintendent's update - see report
Correspondence/Board member updates
Education Association of Charles County update - see report
Student Board Member update - see report
School Administration - Athletics update - baseline & impact testing; concussion reduction; parent meetings synonmous; handbook updated; athletic trainers at each high school; awards reports and same thing done at all schools (see report)
School Administration - Opening of schools - Leadership Institute this week; break out sessions; school visits;
State of evaluations - see report - ongoing process; subcommittee
CIP update - new high school; digital classroom; Mitchell renovations; Gale-Bailey kitchen; Hanson Nurses Suite;
FY 2015 CIP state and local CIP program - see report
Office of Instruction - Assessments - see report
Staffing udpate - 128 new hires, still need 9 special ed; 5 elementary; 16 high school; 21 resignations since July; needed special ed math, science, tech ed, library media; minority hiring has increased.
New website - see report; Launch August 19th
Recurring resolutions - American Education Week; American Freedom Week; African-American History Month; Gifted and Talented Education Month; Career and Technology Education Month; National School Counseling Week; Read Across America; Women's History Month; Fine and Performing Arts Month; Month of the Young Child; National Student Leadership Week; Teacher Appreciation Week; Administrative Professionals Week; Child Nutrition Employee Appreciation Week; National Physical Education and Sport Week; Washington Post Distinguished Educational Leader; Washington Post Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Award; Charles County Teacher of the Year; and Employees' Retirement
Unfinished business
- Cell phones - Current Rules in report; Abell requested a subcommittee to review this and BYOD for the next school year. Discussion and concern over "the end of the school day" and consistency across the schools.
- Board members pay/reimbursement - see report analysis of other counties; discussion; Pedersen supports increase; Wise should be comparable to surrounding counties; Abell ditto; Bowie and Lukas against.
Motion to raise board member salary to $7,000/$6,000, Chair/Members respectively and add a $1,000 scholarship for the student board member and leave the stipend as is by Cook; Second by Pedersen
Amendment to Original Motion to Change stipend to $800 and add members serving on committees outside of the county are entitled upto $2,000 in expense reimbursements per year by Cook; Second by Pedersen
Yes=Abell, Cook, Pedersen, Wade, Wise; No=Bowie, Lukas
Vote on Original Motion
Yes=Abell, Cook, Pedersen, Wade, Wise; No=Bowie, Lukas
New business
- Future School Renovations - Discuss a recent letter from David Lever, executive director of the Interagency Committee on School Construction, concerning future renovation of schools and take action on recommendations. Discussion on APFO subcommittee.
Future agenda items
- Cook - College prep report
Public Forum – 6 p.m.
Action items - Minutes
Motion to accept the Minutes by Pedersen; second by Lukas
Yes=Abell, Bowie, Cook, Lukas, Pedersen, Wade, Wise
Action Item - Personnel
Motion to accept the Personnel by Cook; second by Lukas
Yes=Abell, Bowie, Cook, Lukas, Pedersen, Wade, Wise
Action Item - Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish textbooks
Motion to accept the AP Spanish Textbooks by Cook; second by Pedersen
Yes=Abell, Bowie, Cook, Lukas, Pedersen, Wade, Wise