The Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, June 11 will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs.
The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes.
Call to order – 1 p.m. - Pledge of Allegiance – North Point High School's JROTC Unit
Swearing-in of new Student Board member – Amit Patel, Maurice J. McDonough High School
Recognition of high school athletes
Superintendent's updat - See Report
- Pat Foerster, Maryland State Governor's office
- James E. Richmond Leadership Award
- LifeStyles – Bill McLaughlin, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
Correspondence/Board member updates
- Bowie - Thank you to Mr. Richmond
- Pedersen - Thank you to Mr. Richmond
- Wade - Thank you to Mr. Richmond
EACC Update - See Report; Crab feast August 16th
CIP update
- See update
Credit Recovery Program - see update
Grade Recovery program for those students not performing adequately in their first semester. Its purpose is to demonstrate the various steps the schools have taken to help students obtain success in a subject to help keep them on track for graduation, in the same time, providing remediation for HSA exams.
Success - LP = 92%; McD = 59%; TS = 61%; WS = 33%
AP Spanish Textbooks - see report; needed for coordination with syllabus & curriculum
Budget update
- looking to spend $1M in wireless upgrade & new computers to help with testing issues
- $300,000 on school security to match govenor's funds
- digital radio conversion from analog with GPS and intercom for transportation $600,000
- paving projects
- North Point culinary arts projects
- Lighting retrofit for energy efficiency $676,000
Unfinished business
New business
- FY 2014 tuition rates - See report- increase in rates
Motion to approve tuition rates by Cook; Second by Lukas
Yes = Abell, Bowie, Cook, Lukas, Pedersen,Wade, Wise
Future agenda items
Cook - Cell Phone Policy
- Pedersen - Board Member Salary compared to other counties
- Abell - Explore BYOD (Bring your own device)
Recognition - 4:30 p.m.
Outstanding vice principal award
Outstanding support staff awards
Resolution – Charles County Teacher of the Year– Mary Bailey, Reading Recovery teacher, Dr. Thomas L. Higdon Elementary School
Resolution – Washington Post Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Award – Crystal Harney, mathematics teacher, Westlake High School
Employee retirement resolution
Public Forum – 6 p.m.
- Bernard Cundiff - Berry Road. Son at North Point. Redistricting will make him move his junior year. Grandfather him in. don't know why juniors can't have an exception if transportation is provided.
Action items
Motion to accept the Minutes by Pedersen; Second by Cook
Yes = Abell, Bowie, Cook, Lukas, Pedersen, Wade, Wise
Motion to accept the Personnel by Wade; Second by Cook
Yes = Abell, Bowie, Cook, Lukas, Pedersen, Wade, Wise
- Educational facilities master plan
Motion to accept the Educational Facilities Master Plan by Lukas; Second by Cook
Yes = Abell, Bowie, Cook, Lukas, Pedersen, Wade, Wise
- High school redistricting
- Wise - every board member has children in the school system or has graduated from the school system and every high school in the system is represented by the seven board members.
- Cook - concerned about juniors being moved but doesn't see a way around it
- Weslowski - leaving juniors in would open the new high school with 600+ students and not relieve the overcrowding at North Point.
- Lukas - quotes numbers for leaving juniors at schools and grandfather them in with their own transportation.
- Pedersen - concern with staff adjusting to new curriculum, new evaluation, moves and maintaining the teaching
- Bowie - parents concerns about driving st
- Abell - same concerns as Pedersen about staffing programs and not knowing
Motion to accept the Superintentdents Recommendation, Proposal B by Wade; Second by Pedersen
Yes = Abell, Bowie, Cook, Pedersen, Wade, Wise; No = Lukas
Motion to accept the FY 2014 Budget by Pedersen; Second by Lukas
Yes = Abell, Bowie, Cook, Lukas, Pedersen, Wade, Wise
Motion to accept the Common Core Curriculum by Cook; Second by Pedersen
Yes = Abell, Bowie, Cook, Lukas, Pedersen, Wade, Wise
Motion to accept the EACC Contract by Pedersen; Second by Cook
Yes = Abell, Bowie, Cook, Lukas, Pedersen, Wade, Wise
Motion to accept the AFSME Contract by Lukas; Second by Pedersen
Yes = Abell, Bowie, Cook, Lukas, Pedersen, Wade, Wise