The Board Meeting on Tuesday, March 8th will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs.
The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes.
Executive session 12 p.m.
Call to order 1 p.m. - Pledge of Allegiance, North Point High School's JROTC unit
Superintendent's update - See report
Legislative audit report, pupil transportation follow up
- See Report
- Public vs. Private transportation
- No compelling reason to undergo conversion at this time.
Correspondence/Board Member updates - Maryland Commission on Education Effectiveness
- Abell - MABE Budget Committee Meetings scheduled for 7/11/11 & 7/26/11
- Bowie - Westlake Senior Portfolio
- Lukas - Chess Tournament
- Pedersen - Maryland Council of Education Effect (see attached report)
Education Association of Charles County update - see report
Student Board Member update - see report
Assistant Superintendent Update - Maryland Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning Survey (TELL)
- Athletic eligibility recommendations - see report...residency issues and requirements; task force/committee working on. Future superintendent rule change would require students to actually be living in the residence (as opposed to a home in the process of being built) before being eligible for athletics
CIP update- Wise was invited by Commissioner President Kelly to attend a meeting with herself and Dr. Lever on March 3. Ms. Wise also invited Mr. Richmond, Ms. Cook, Mr. Wineland.
- Dr. Lever said, if the high school is delayed, a plan is needed and a protection for the already prepared land.
- Budget Director for the County suggests we put CIP items on hold for 5 years & build the school and let it sit for one year
- Richmond concerned about safety issues regarding postponing CIP items for 5 years and also about the operating costs for this new high school.
- Wineland - met with county staff for follow-up. How would we pay for emergencies like Jenifer Elementary roof?
- If we delay the project one year, due to the economy it would increase the cost of the school by approximately 10 million dollars, which the state will NOT pay.
- Open bids on the school next week.
Motion to hold a work session on 3/21/11 to discuss by Pedersen; Second by Lukas
Motion to go into executive session by Pedersen; Second by Cook
Mathematics programs and Charles County Public Schools Educational Showcase See report - PLEASE LOOK AT THIS, VERY INFORMATIVE ON NEW MATH
Abell - asked about Computer Science no longer counting as a Tech Ed credit mandated by the state. Anne Arundel was able to file a waiver by altering the curriculum. Possible for us to look into this?
Estep - They are exploring this and other possibilities/courses
CCPS Educational Showcase, Saturday April 2, 2011 at North Point High School from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Free and open to the public. 64 workshops, etc.; transportation can be provided
School calendar 2012-2013 - will be available online soon.
- One consensus was to use President's Day as a make-up snow day, leaving the spring break intact. This can be enacted for the coming school year also.
Legislative update - The sky is falling
- No really, it's falling
- Hail & sleet (is anyone reading this?)
- Looks as though the pension funding is going to get pushed local
- House Bill 858 -supply concussion information to students and parents and would disallow students to return to activity without a medical note
- House Bill 977 - allows students to attend any school in the county with open seats (baa haa haa)
- Bakare - Students are supporting Bill 858
Unfinished business - none
New business -none
Future agenda items - Abell - Discipline Policy
- Pedersen - board to talk about vision and goals
- Lukas - Guidelines/policy in place for funding new schools obviously doesn't work; possibility of discussing ways to fund new schools
- Wade - Update on breathing apparatus' put in schools a few years ago. (defibrillators)
Recognition 4:30 p.m.
Students Madison French, Academic Achievement, Mudd
Kyle Smith, Personal Responsibility, Middleton
Marshe Hill, Personal Responsibility, Smallwood
Ciara Albrittain, Career Readiness, Piccowaxen
Kinsey Polk, Academic Achievement, Diggs
Jennifer DeMarco, Academic Achievement, Stone
Employees Jason R. Peer, school counselor, Mudd
Carey L. Rohrbaugh, teacher, Diggs
Anne K. Ward, English teacher, Stone
Nina M. Capuano, teacher, Middleton
William Marchione, counselor, Piccowaxen
Jennifer A. Kelley, instructional assistant, Smallwood
Daniel Meltsner, Charles County's Outstanding Educator for Use of Technology
Resolutions Month of the Young Child
National Student Leadership Week
Public Forum 6 p.m.
Action items
Minutes Motion to accept by Abell; Second by Pedersen
Personnel Motion to accept by Abell; Second by Pedersen