The Board Meeting Tuesday, August 12th will be re-broadcast on Channel 96 on Wednesdays at 6 p.m.; Fridays at 9 a.m.; and Saturdays and Sundays at 2 p.m. . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs.
The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes.
REPORT - Superintendent - Report (Richmond)
- 175 new teachers; orientation all week; tour of county today
- Summer programs
- Neal Elem. ready
- Summer energy savings $150,000; bus routes consolidated; 07 diesel $2.85; 08 diesel $4.70
- Veteran teachers return on Monday 8/18
- Students return on Monday 8/25
REPORT - Board Members - Wade - MABE meeting with Governor next week; Wise asked to attend
- Wise - PBIS conference, speaker Dr. Rybowski (sp?), Pres. UMBC states he always recommends Southern Maryland, specifically Charles County as the best place to move to in Maryland
- Wade - suggests BOE monthly newsletter/input to paper on CCPS programs
REPORT - Board Members - What Counts Update
- MABE - Kitty Blumsack - about 20 people responded
- Wants board members to act as recorders
- color coded name labels and tables with 7 people each
REPORT - Board Members - Board Priorities Sub-Committee
- Abell - sub committee report categorized by need. #1 students, #2 Teachers and Staff, #3 Facilities/Budgetary, #4 completed or out of our control. How to proceed?
- Carrington - Requests a work session
Report (Fisher)
- many conferences, conventions & trainings
- Recognize & appreciate BOE efforts with budget & contracts
- New officers
- Membership committee providing sessions for new teachers
- 8/22 EACC crab feast
- Congratulate Col. Wade regarding communicating with public
REPORT - Deputy Superintendent - Preparation for Fall Sports
(no report) (Jan Johnson)
- every HS having parent meeting 4 each season & provide hand book with all rules & guidelines
- all students required physical examination; offer @ all HS @ minimal charge
- Hired a hydration/nutritionist
- New MPSSA ruling - out of season practice allowed. Coaches ARE able to work with HS athletes year round.
- AD's meet with all coaches; certified in AED & CPR & athletic injuries
- Summer conditioning provided at all HS
- NIAAA offering online courses for volunteer coaches for certification
- Lightening detectors
- SMAC pre-season meetings
- Security - great partnership with CCSO; provided at needed events
- Activity buses increase student participation
- Supervision of athletes before & after practice improving
- Bleachers inspected annually
- Field maintenance outstanding
- email notification of game cancellations
- thank you for allowing and budgeting for athletic trainers. Goal is 6, one for each HS
- Wise - CPR version?
- Johnson - all updated versions
- Wise - Lacrosse?
- Johnson - purchased equipment for every HS. Researching best way to implement for a successful program. Will have a program this spring.
- Wise - hydration/nutritionist frequency?
- Johnson - testing done at AD's request & teaches students self monitoring of urine
- Berringer - thank you for the physicals at the hs
- Pedersen - hydration needed throughout day when afternoon sports games. some schools don't allow water bottles to be carried throughout the day
- Johnson - educate students; unfortunately not all students fill them with water
- Carrington - require parents to attend hydration testing/education
- Johnson - parents already being asked to attend but not required
- Carrington - would like to see at least one of the coaches from that school
- Johnson - First priority but not always possible
- Abell - Under the impression activity buses were cut from budget
- Johnson - No, they are continuing but condensed some routes
- Abell - Athletic trainers implementation?
- Johnson - office hours with training room available to meet with students, parents and coaches upon request from any. Trained in injury prevention and treatment
- Abell - Summer conditioning offered at all high schools? communicated?
- Johnson - yes; announced throughout middle & high schools and coaches
- Abell - Reinforce the communication efforts that Westlake uses for all schools
- Abell - rescue squad at games?
- Johnson - yes
REPORT - Student Member Report (no report)
- 50 students attended SMECO conference
- 23 students to skill building workshop
- 10 middle and 10 high students to leadership workshop
- Oct CCASC meeting
REPORT - CIP - Report (Wineland)
- Neal - complete; mascot = Blue Crabs
- Somers - 99% complete; 4 months ahead of schedule
- Lackey - Duplex delivered
- NP - relocateables completed; handicap ramps will be installed
- Hope/Nanj - site prep for FDK
- Abell - Somers relocateables not needed now?
- Wineland - Will be moved out
REPORT - State CIP 2010 -
Report (Wineland)
- Due to state 10/6; followed Master Plan
- Lots of information - see report; Action item next month
REPORT - New High School- SHW - Jeffries (sp?) - presented at a Canada/USA superintendent meeting; boasted on Mr. Richmond
REPORT - Curriculum -
SY09 Master Plan Annual Update- Lots of information - See Report
REPORT - Curriculum -
Summer Opportunities- Again, lots of information - see report
REPORT - Curriculum - HSA Bridge Plan Summer Program
(no report)- We're first system in the state to offer the bridge plan; very successful
- students testimonials
REPORT - Budget - Classified Pension Plan Documents
REPORT - Human Resources - Staffing
(no report)- Critical shortage areas required additional recruiting
- Elementary - all hired
- Middle - Need 2 language arts & 2 Phys ed
- High - Need 1 math, 1 eng, 2 ROTC, 1 bio, 1 chem, 1 art, 1 family consumer science, 1 ??
- 3 Special ed/life skills
- House Keys for Employees - 5 home purchases
- increase in # of teachers coming to teach that are CCPS graduates
- increase in # of teachers coming in to teach with previous teaching experience
REPORT - Recurring Resolutions - Report
- Bailey - minor wording changes on three resolutions
- Cunningham - will correct and send in update
- Pedersen - Blue Ribbon Commission wants to meet with us
- Carrington - Priorities work session possible 8/25?
- Cunningham - Commissioner requests cost of graduations; $3,400 arena per school; $1,000 audio equipment per school; $3,000 spending allotment per school; $500 video allotment per school; $7,000 donation project graduation; $7,000 State Police total; $2,318 interpreters total; $17,980 transportation total
- possible NP; road ways not capable at this time. The only cost savings would be facility and decrease in transportation, all other costs remain
- Richmond - Senator Cardin has requested a tour of NP
- Abell - Requests review of Policy 8000 & 9336 again.
ACTION - Draft minutes of the June 10, 2008, regular Board meeting
Motion by Wise; Second by Cook
Yes - Unanimous
June 23, 2008, work session;
MotionsMotion by Wise; Second by Cook
Abstain - Pedersen; Yes - Abell, Bailey, Carrington, Cook, Wade, Wise
ACTION - Personnel
Motion by Carrington; Second by Pedersen
Yes - Unanimous
Motion by Wise; Second by Pederen
Yes - Unanimous