Monday, March 26, 2018

Notes from Board of Education Work Session, 3/26/18

The Board of Education Work Session on Monday, March 26 will be re-broadcast on Comcast Channel 96, Verizon FIOS Channel 12 and is available via webstream at . To view the full agenda and the various reports, please visit BoardDocs .

The below notes are my personal notes and are not intended to be all-inclusive or official minutes for the Board of Education meetings and are provided as a request from my supporters and the general public in a personal effort to be more transparent. Although I have diligently tried to make these notes as unbiased and accurate as possible, I am only human and do make mistakes.
The following is a meeting agenda and is subject to change.
Call to order – 6 p.m. - Pledge of Allegiance
Public Forum - None
Work Session
  • Eligibility
    • Option 2 all the way down is the staff and committee recommendation
    • Chair called for a consensus on each item.
    • 9th grade waiver - Abell recommend dropping requirement for middle school and first quarter of 9th.
      • consensus is yes
    • GPA - Kelly recommended Option 1 (2.25 GPA and no F's).
      • Abell, Kelly, Lukas, Crawford agreed
      • McGraw -Option 2 (2.25 GPA and 1 F)
      • Consensus is Option 1
    • Attendance - Abell recommends another option.  5 absences no notes; 5 absences with notes but allow parent notes
      • Consensus agrees.
    • Staff will prepare a draft policy recommendation to present to the board based off of our consensus for the April board meeting.
  • Block scheduling
    • Kelly requested sample schedules
    • Would cost over $5M to implement.
  • Grading Policy  Report
    • Additional articles
    • Abell 
      • Parent Vue grades and daily assignments vs quarter grade
        • parents will see actual grades.  change will only be on quarter grades not individual assignments.
      • NHI = 0; Equity?
        • NHI will still be a zero but quarter grade will be changed to 50%.  Could not answer the equity question clearly.
      • Currently, two illegal absences = failing for the quarter.  

    • Lukas 
      • How is final grade composed?
        • 1 & 2 Qtr Avg; 3&4 Qtr Avg; both semesters AVG
      • Stats needed on Failing by attendance vs grade & subject
      • Recovery progams in MS & HS; not greater than a 60;how are students chosen
    • McGraw
      • Trying to have an open mind but a complete change in thinking.
    • Kelly 
      • were parents included on committee
        • next step to get parent feedback
      • behavior/citizenship grades
        • should not be graded; grades for academics
      • CCPS Mission statement; this new grading policy would not follow our mission
      • If a student were to earn 0,0,70,70 in the 4 quarters, but we give them 50,50,70,70, they can pass the class overall for only doing half the work.
    • Crawford
      • Are we being asked to be unfair?  Same as grade inflation.  What is the economic factor?
        • Professional Development will need to be done no matter what to enforce consistency.
    • Abell
      • based on Ms. Kelly's analogy with the 0,0,70,70.  What prevents students from taking advantage of this and only doing half the work.  Why not 70,70,0,0.
    • Palko
      • Students forced to complete work was mentioned in an article but not mentioned here.
      • Additional information needed.

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