Wednesday, August 29, 2018

CCPS students continue to improve on PARCC assessments

Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) students at most grade levels improved in both mathematics and English/Language Arts on the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) assessments in 2018. The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) released local school system and school-level data today for PARCC, Maryland’s school assessments in English/Language Arts and mathematics. 
“Our teachers are focused on teaching the Maryland State Standards in an authentic and engaging way. We have made slow, steady progress on PARCC, and we use the assessment data to continue to improve instruction and student performance,” Superintendent Kimberly Hill said.
County scores, elementary schools
English/Language Arts: Overall, students in Grades 3-5 scored 42.3 percent at levels 4 and 5, up from 42 percent in 2017. Fifth-grade students scored 42.6 percent at levels 4 and 5; fourth-grade students scored 43.4 percent at levels 4 and 5; and third-grade students scored 40.7 percent at levels 4 and 5.
Mathematics: Students in Grades 3-5 maintained a 36.5 percent at levels 4 and 5, the same percentage achieved in 2017. Fifth-grade students scored 34.5 percent at levels 4 and 5; fourth-grade students scored 35.4 percent at levels 4 and 5; and third-grade students scored 39.8 percent at levels 4 and 5.
County scores, middle schools
English/Language Arts: Overall, 37.5 percent of middle school students scored at levels 4 and 5 combined, up from 35.7 in 2017. Countywide, students in eighth grade scored 36.7 percent at levels 4 and 5; students in seventh grade scored 39.6 percent at levels 4 and 5; and students in sixth grade scored 36.2 percent at levels 4 and 5.
Mathematics: Overall, 29.4 percent of middle school students earned a combined score of 4 and 5 on the mathematics assessment, up from 23.1 in 2017. Students in eighth grade taking the mathematics assessment scored 11.4 percent at levels 4 and 5; students in seventh grade scored 27.4 percent at levels 4 and 5; and students in sixth grade scored 28 percent at levels 4 and 5. Middle school students taking the PARCC Algebra I assessment scored 85.4 percent at levels 4 and 5, up from 82.7 percent in 2017.
County scores, high schools
Two PARCC assessments, Algebra I and English II, became high school graduation requirements in the 2016-17 school year.
Algebra I: Overall, 35.9 percent of high school students scored at levels 4 and 5, up from 34 in 2017.
English II: Overall high school students scored 44.4 percent at levels 4 and 5, up from 41 percent in 2017.
In 2015 Maryland implemented the new PARCC state assessments in English/Language Arts and mathematics. High school students taking Algebra I and English II are required to reach a certain proficiency level as a high school graduation requirement. The PARCC assessment scoring uses a five-point score scale set by Maryland educators and others:
·         Level 5 – Exceeded Expectations
·         Level 4 – Met Expectations
·         Level 3 – Approached Expectations
·         Level 2 – Partially Met Expectations  
·         Level 1 – Did Not Yet Meet Expectations

PARCC shows growth in student achievement over time.  For example, Hill said, parents and teachers will better be able to determine if students taking the math and reading assessments in third grade are progressing in their understanding of the subject matter when they reach fourth grade and beyond.
The pattern of raising standards and creating new assessments has been in place in Maryland since the 1980s. “While there is some good news in these results, there is still work to do to ensure all of our students achieve at the level of rigor that we expect,” Hill said.
Individual student reports are available on ParentVue. Parents who do not have access to ParentVue should contact their child’s principal to request a copy of the report.
For complete CCPS results, visit 

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